The Social Science Information Centre carries out searches at your request in its databases FORIS and SOLIS as well as in numerous other databases.
In addition to FORIS and SOLIS, the following databases among others will be included:
Apart from this selection, there are further databases - multidisciplinary intended or limited to special social science disciplines or even to social science relevant problem areas - which can be called upon in response to concrete questions.
Our service
You tell us your theme as well as your wishes concerning further specialised
search criteria and set a maximum acceptable cost for the search - we choose the
appropriate databases.
To respond to your search request, we need an exact description of your theme. Additional details in the form of an outline plan, summary, or a condensed statement of purpose from a project application can be helpful to the efficient search for the information you seek. You can yourself, of course, decide on which databases the search should be carried out, from which time period, in which language the original documents should be, among other things.
Prices (subject to change)
for the information search on a theme
The basic charge of 110 DM is always made. Additional costs can result from higher database charges for search time and transmission of the results or from a higher expenditure of operating time.
The results of the search usually will be delivered on paper or, on request, on diskette or via electronic mail. On delivery of the search results by fax, an additional charge of 1 DM per page will be added.
Note for university members:
At most university libraries and other large scientific libraries, the databases FORIS
and SOLIS on the CD-ROM WISO III as well as further databases on CD-ROM are
accessible. Ask at your library for this search possibility usually free of charge.
In addition, many university libraries have for many years had information providing
services, which will carry out searches in online databases in all fields of knowledge.
Ask at your library for the conditions for such searches.
online ordering (in German)
� GESIS Monika Zimmer 1999-06-16