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Subject coverage

FORIS offers information on theoretical and empirical research projects in the following disciplines:

- Sociology - Science of Communication 
- Methods in the Social Sciences - Economics  
- Political Science - Demography
- Social Policy - Ethnology
- Social Psychology, Psychology  - Historical Social Research, Social History
- Education and Pedagogics - Labour Market and Employment Research

as well as from further interdisciplinary areas of the social sciences, such as, for example, research on women, research on leisure, gerontology, social welfare, criminology (see also social science classification  for FORIS and SOLIS ).

Contents and updates

FORIS contains descriptions of planned, on-going and completed (in the last 10 years) research projects from the Federal Republic of Germany, from Austria and Switzerland (about 36,000 records).
Around 6,000 records per year are added to or updated in the current version of the database. The proportion of new project references is high: approximately two-thirds of the projects are, at the moment of data entry, still in progress; the remaining third were just finished. Project descriptions are often already in the database and searchable at a point before any results based on the work have been published. FORIS is therefore an instrument through which one can get information on the most current research activities, and can identify developments and trends in the social sciences.

Example of a project description

FORIS project descriptions as a rule include the following information elements:

Titel (Title) Wertewandel in den neunziger Jahren - Tendenzen und Probleme 
(Changes in values in the '90s - trends and problems)
Personen (Staff) Bearbeitung: Gensicke, Thomas, Dipl.-Phil. 
Leitung: Klages, Helmut, Prof.Dr.
Kontakt (Contact) Gensicke, Thomas, Tel. 06232-654-397 o. 359, e-mail: [email protected]
(Research institute)
Forschungsinstitut fuer Oeffentliche Verwaltung bei der Hochschule fuer Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer 
(Postfach 1409, D-67324 Speyer)
Projektbeginn (Duration begin) 199505
Projektende (Duration end) 199903
Abstract Rekonstruktion des Wertewandels anhand von empirischen Zeitreihen eigener und fremder Daten; Erklaerung und Interaktion des Wertewandels anhand eigener Erhebung (Querschnitt) 1997; Ableitung von Prognosen und Handlungsmaximen; Spezifik der Situation in Ostdeutschland.
Zeitraum: neunziger Jahre 
Geograph. Raum: Deutschsprachige Bevoelkerung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Oversampling der neuen Laender / Ostberlin 
Meth. Vorgehensweise
(Methodological design)
Speyerer (Klagesische) Werteforschung, Werte als allgemeine, relativ stabile Handlungsorientierungen, die jedoch situativen Einfluessen (Wirtschaftslage, politische und biographische Brueche etc.) nicht voellig entzogen sind. Wertewandel (von Pflicht- und Akzeptanzwerten zu Selbstentfaltungswerten) auf Basis schnellen sozialen Wandels (Modernisierung) beobachtbar und weiter wahrscheinlich Verwendung von Werttypologien, unterschiedliche psychische Reaktionen auf sozialen Wandel in verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen, Generatioen, Individuen. Querschnitt von 1997 mit aelteren Querschnitten verknuepft. Untersuchungsdesign: Querschnitt; Trend, Zeitreihe  
Datengewinnung (Data collection) Standardisierte Erhebung (Stichprobe: 3.000; deutschsprachige Bevoelkerung in Deutschland - Oversampling der neuen Laender / Ostberlin; Auswahlverfahren: Zufall). Feldarbeit durch ein kommerzielles Umfrageinstitut.  
Art der Forschung (Type of project) gefoerdert 
Auftraggeber / Finanzierer (Commissioning agency / Funding source) Auftraggeber: keine Angabe 
Finanzierer: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (Postfach 180346, D-50506 Koeln); Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH (Postfach 100628, D-70005 Stuttgart)
Veroeffentlichungen (Publications)  Gensicke, Thomas: Modernisierung, Wertewandel und Mentalitaetsentwicklung in der DDR. in: Sozialer und demographischer Wandel in den neuen Bundeslaendern. hrsg. v. Hans Bertram, Stefan Hradil u. Gerhard Kleinhenz. Berlin: Akademie-Verl. 1995, S. 101-140.+++Gensicke, Thomas: Pragmatisch und optimistisch: ueber die Bewaeltigung des Umbruchs in den neuen Bundeslaendern. Speyer: 1994. Standort UuStB Koeln(38)-950107727.+++ ......
Arbeitspapiere (Working papers) Gensicke, Th.: Ostdeutschland 1989-1995 im Wandel. Objektive und subjektive Umbrueche. in: Sammelband des Deutschen Instituts fuer Japanstudien (im Erscheinen).+++Gensicke, Th.: Stimmungs- und Wertewandel in der ostdeutschen Bevoelkerung. Ueber die Rolle des subjektiven Faktors in der Transformation der neuen Bundeslaender. Forschungsbericht. Speyer 1995 (unpublished). +++ ......
Schlagwoerter  (Keywords) Wertwandel; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; neue Bundeslaender
Informationsquelle (Information source) IZ-Erhebung 1996
Erfassungsnummer (Registration number) 19950207

1997 IZ Sozialwissenschaften 

Content, methodological and institutional aspects of the projects are indexed according to a specific controlled vocabulary which makes targeted and rapid retrieval of the appropriate information possible.

Information sources

Project information in FORIS comes primarily from the higher education sector. Research from the non-university sector is included only insofar as the results from that research may be published in the open literature and not - as is so often the case with market and opinion research - designed only for the commissioning agency.
Substantial sources of information are surveys at institutions doing social science research. In the Federal Republic of Germany the survey is carried out by the Social Science Information Centre, in Austria by SOWIS (Social Science Information Centre of the Library of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration), and in Switzerland by SIDOS (Swiss Information and Data Archive Service for the Social Sciences). The results of the IZ survey are extended by social science information from specialised documentation institutions, such as, for example, the Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Services (IAB) or the Landesanstalt f�r Rundfunk NRW (Corporation for Broadcasting in North Rhine-Westphalia), with both of whom the IZ has negotiated a co-operation agreement (co-operating partners in database development). Further extensions result from the evaluation of higher education reports as well as annual reports of central funding sources and foundations.

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� GESIS Annemarie Nase 1999-06-16