SOLIS contains information on published literature and grey literature from the following disciplines
- Sociology | - Science of Communication |
- Methods in the Social Sciences | - Demography |
- Political Science | - Ethnology |
- Social Policy | - Historical Social Research |
- Social Psychology | - Labour Market and Employment Research |
- Educational Research |
as well as from further interdisciplinary areas of the social sciences, such as, for example, research on women, research on leisure, gerontology, social welfare (see also social science classification for FORIS and SOLIS as well as the list of social science journals).
More than 200,000 social science publications - articles in scientific journals as well as in compilations, monographs, and grey literature (unpublished research reports) are presented together in SOLIS with a short description of the contents. About 10,000 new references are added annually.
The development of the database is a dynamic process in relation to the disciplines covered, the types of documents, and the myriad of evaluated documents. The first stock in 1978 consisted of about 8,000 bibliographic references from German sociology from 1945 to 1977. Further areas, such as, for example, labour market and employment research or science of communication have been included in SOLIS since the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s with the co-operation of specialised institutes. The references to grey literature stretch back as far as ca. 1977. In this area, the degree of coverage is much smaller, because of the costly measures necessary for acquisition, and is limited to institutional series, such as, for example, the series of the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin f�r Sozialforschung (Social Science Research Center Berlin). Previously unpublished research reports from the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) have been actively sought and acquired for SOLIS since 1990. The sociology of the GDR is therefore to date the only discipline from the countries of the former Eastern Bloc whose references have been systematically prepared, with location given; these are now searchable on SOLIS and therefore available for loan from libraries and archives.
The bibliographic references are presented in German; titles of the literature
published since 1982 are also translated into English. Short abstracts, in some cases
prepared by the authors, which in part also exist in English, have been included since
References to literature as a rule include the following information elements:
Example document "Journal article"
Titel (Title) | Zur politischen Oekonomie der sozialen
Dienstleistungsproduktion: der Wandel der Wohlfahrtsverbaende und die Konjunkturen der
Theoriebildung (The political economy of the social services: structural transformation of welfare organizations and trade cycles of theories) |
Autor (Author) | Heinze, Rolf G.; Schmid, Josef; Struenck, Christoph (Universitaet Bochum Fak. fuer Sozialwissenschaft Sektion Soziologie LS Soziologie 01) |
Quelle (Source) | Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 1997. H. 2, Jg. 49, S. 242-271 |
Standort (Availability) | UuStB Koeln(38)-Haa00277-b <xx Kopie ueber Literaturdienst erhaeltlich xx> |
Dokumentart (Document type) | Zeitschrift |
Sprache (Language) | Deutsch |
Abstract | "Die wichtigsten Anbieter sozialer Dienste in Deutschland, die gemeinnuetzigen und weltanschaulich gepraegten Wohlfahrtsverbaende, sind seit einiger Zeit neuen Wandlungsprozessen ausgesetzt: Intern gewinnen betriebswirtschaftliche Rationalisierungsmuster an Bedeutung, extern wird insbesondere durch Gesetzesaenderungen und neue Nachfrager-Gruppen die Vorrangstellung der Verbaende infragegestellt. Der Beitrag nimmt diesen Wandel zum Anlass, um nach dem Ertrag der Wohlfahrtsverbaende-Forschung zu fragen und eine staerker wirtschaftssoziologische Perspektive zu skizzieren. Es wird vorgeschlagen, das dominante Neokorporatismus-Theorem entsprechend zu ergaenzen und zu modifizieren. Dazu werden die Ursachen fuer den internen wie externen Wandel diskutiert, der in Anlehnung an industriesoziologische Begriffe als Verschiebung von 'Status' zu 'Kontrakt' interpretiert wird. Gegen die verbreitete Beschreibung der Wandlungs-Phaenomene als 'Oekonomisierung' oder 'Verbetrieblichung' wird eingewandt, dass das Interpretationsmuster 'vom Status zum Kontrakt' eine wachsende Wechselwirkung von 'Oekonomisierung' und 'Politisierung' in der sozialen Dienstleistungsproduktion sichtbar macht." (Autorenreferat) |
Engl. Abstract Abstract in English) |
"Germany's dominant and powerful non-profit welfare organizations - the so-called 'Wohlfahrtsverbaende' - are subject to structural change. Within these organizations economic efficiency measures are established while amendments and new groups of clients threaten the organizations' position of pre-eminence in the social services' sector. The article picks up the structural transformation in order to judge the results of research concerning welfare organizations. The authors' aim is to add categories of economic sociology to the theory of neo-corporatism, which dominates the German discussion on account of the relation between state and welfare organizations. The causes of internal and external change are discussed and the structural change is described as a shift from 'status' to 'contract', following the categories of industrial sociology. Against popular schemes of interpretation, which analyse those phenomena of change first of all as a shift to 'economizing', the article maintains a different point of view. It shows that applying the scheme 'from status to contract' reveals a close interrelation of 'economizing' and 'politicizing' effects in the German social services' sector." (author's abstract) |
Schlagwoerter (Keywords) | soziale Dienste; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Wohlfahrtsverband; organisatorischer Wandel; Dienstleistungsunternehmen; betriebswirtschaftliche Faktoren; oekonomische Entwicklung; Markt |
Engl. Schlagwoerter (Keywords in English) | social services; Federal Republic of Germany; welfare organization; organizational change; service enterprise; industrial management factors; economic development <single enterprise>; market |
Methode (Methods) | Theorieanwendung |
Erfassungsnummer (Registration number) | 970101249 |
� 1997 IZ Sozialwissenschaften |
Example document "Monograph"
Title | Energiepolitik: technische Entwicklung,
politische Strategien, Handlungskonzepte zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur rationellen
Energienutzung (Energy policy: technical development, political strategies, action concepts regarding renewable energies and rational use of energy) |
Autor (Author) | Herausgeber: Brauch, Hans Guenter Vorwortverfasser: Linkohr, Rolf |
Quelle (Source) | Berlin: Springer. 1997. XXXII, 740 S. (76 Abb., 100 Tab.) ISBN: 3-540-61759-0 |
Standort (Availability) | Bib. TH Aachen(82)-Db1992 |
Dokumentart (Document type) | Monographie; (Sammelwerk); Numerische Daten |
Sprache (Language) | Deutsch |
Abstract | "In diesem interdisziplinaeren Studienbuch werden Probleme der Energiegeschichte, Energiesysteme, Energietechnik und der Potentiale der erneuerbaren Energien behandelt: Wasser- und Windkraft, Biomasse, Geothermie, Photovoltaik und Solarthermie; der Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen fuer ihre Markteinfuehrung; Handlungskonzepte und Foerderungsschwerpunkte der EU, USA und Japans in diesem Bereich; Aktivitaeten der Bundesregierung und Vorschlaege nichtstaatlicher Akteure hierzu sowie Strategien zur rationellen Energienutzung; Methoden fuer einen Energiekonsens und Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Energiesystemen; Handlungskonzepte und Vorschlaege fuer den Ausbau der Sonnenenergie im Mittelmeerraum und in Afrika sowie politische Faktoren bei der Markteinfuehrung und Exportfoerderung der erneuerbaren Energien in der Triade: USA, Japan und der Europaeischen Union." (Autorenreferat) |
Schlagwoerter (Keywords) | Energiepolitik; erneuerbare Energie; Energieeinsparung; Energieerzeugung; Sonnenenergie; Umweltpolitik; Foerderungsprogramm; USA; Japan; EU; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Nordamerika; Ostasien; Asien |
Engl. Schlagwoerter (Keywords in English) | Energy policy; renewable energy; energy saving; generation of energy; solar energy; environmental policy; promotional program; USA; Japan; EU; Federal Republic of Germany; North America; East Asia; Asia |
Methode (Methods) | anwendungsorientiert |
Erfassungsnummer (Registration number) | 970111580 |
� 1997 IZ Sozialwissenschaften |
Content and methodological aspects of the literature are indexed according to a specific controlled vocabulary, which makes targeted and rapid retrieval of the appropriate information possible.
The SOLIS database is produced by the Social Science Information Centre in co-operation with the
Bundesinstitut f�r Bev�lkerungsforschung (Federal Institute for Population Research) in
Wiesbaden, the Freie Universit�t Berlin - Fachinformationsstelle Publizistik (Free
University of Berlin, Centre for Documentation on Mass Media), the Institut f�r
Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesanstalt f�r Arbeit (Institute for Employment
Research of the Federal Employment Services) in Nuremberg and the Wissenschaftszentrum
Berlin f�r Sozialforschung (Social Science Research Center Berlin). These institutions,
with whom the IZ has worked for many years, deliver about 30% of the yearly input to SOLIS
via their documentation from specialised areas. In addition, arrangements exist with
information centres in neighbouring disciplines - with the Zentralstelle f�r
Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (The German Center for Documentation and
Information in Psychology) in Trier and the Deutsches Institut f�r Internationale
P�dagogische Forschung (German Institute for International Educational Research) in
Frankfurt/Main. Further co-operative arrangements are in preparation.
In addition to the monographs and compilations, the IZ, together with its co-operating
partners, currently examines around 550 journals for relevant articles and passes these to
SOLIS. The list of social science journals is also
available in printed form; it includes the journal title, the institution carrying out the
examination for SOLIS, and an assessment of its relevancy for the social sciences.
� GESIS Annemarie Nase 1999-10-04