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Fees for searching in FORIS and SOLIS

For database searches via the hosts STN, DIMDI and GBI you will have to pay charges for the connect time (i.e. the time that you are connected online with a database) resp. for the database selection and/or for documents viewed, downloaded or printed.

For setting up your online access and password, a one-time fee is charged, which may be different for every host. For the search fees you will be billed either monthly or quarterly.

Fee chart for searches in FORIS and SOLIS via different hosts (The prices mentioned are valid as of January 2000 and are subject to change)


Charges for
connect time per hour
database selection

Charges for
each document
(research or literature reference
with complete bibliographical information)

STN International*

100 DM

1,40 DM


0,50 DM (database selection)

2,30 DM (min.) - 2,84 DM (max.)

GBI (Datex-P)

200 DM

1,50 DM
2,20 DM


* Upon request you can obtain information directly from STN International about a reduced-cost online access by avoiding busy hours (being online evenings and nights)

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© GESIS Monika Zimmer 2000-04-10