AFB - INFO 2/98
AFB-INFO (Informationen der Arbeitsstelle Friedensforschung Bonn/Newsletter of the
Peace Research Information Unit Bonn) is produced by the Au�enstelle der Hessischen
Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)/Branch Office of the Peace Research
Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). Staff: Dr Regine Mehl and Torge K�bler (editorial); Anna
W�lder (research index); Ute Mennen (mailing list). Deadline for contributions to the
spring issue is 28 February, and for the autumn issue 31 August. The AFB reserves the
right to edit any material submitted. Readers are advised that data on subscribers is
stored for mailing purposes. English translation by Margaret Clarke. Layout: Petra Spie�
(Bad Honnef). Printed by HOLOS-Verlag, Ermekeilstra�e 15, 53113 Bonn. ISSN 0930-8199.
Free subscription on request from: Gesch�ftsstelle der AFB, Beethovenallee 4, D-53173
Bonn (Bad Godesberg), Tel.: +49 (228) 35 60 32, Fax: +49 (228) 35 60 50, e-mail: afb@bonn.iz-soz.de, Internet: http://www.bonn.iz-soz.de/afb/ Reproduction
welcomed: please supply copies for reference.
(c) by Arbeitsstelle Friedensforschung Bonn / Peace Research Information
Unit Bonn
