Existing systematic ways of access to the Internet
via searching machines, browsing services and clearinghouses (Yahoo,
SOSIG, Argus, WWW-VL, Karlsruher VL, BUBL etc.) are discussed
with respect to their principles. In the following considerations
and solutions for the systematic collection, administration and
page design (resp. redesign) of a German clearinghouse for the
social sciences (SocioGuide), are discussed. The general question
of feasibility of knowledge organizational principles within Internet
information will be included as a framework.
Within the two main regions 'Germany and International'
'and 'Eastern Europe' the GESIS SocioGuide 1997 <http://www.bonn.iz-soz.de/navigation/socsci/>
enables more precise regional restrictions simultaneous with content
(Sociology, Political Science etc.) or institutional (Universities,
Research Units, etc.) access.
The following principles that are valid for the GESIS SocioGuide Germany and International will be discussed: