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Series: IZ-Arbeitsberichte / IZ Working Papers (in German Language)

No. 19 Social Science Virtual Library: a project outline
No. 18 Comparative investigation MESSENGER vs. FULCRUM: a project report
No. 17 Indexing and Fulcrum evaluation
No. 16 Assistance for library work procedures through information technology: The project SCHILDKRÖTE
No. 15 Costs and benefits of information services - an example illustrated by the Social Science Information Centre
No. 14 Electronic versions of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences and the social science classification
No. 13 TRI:M-Study on customer satisfaction (regular customers) 1997
No. 12 Text-Facts-Integration in ELVIRA
No. 11 The Association Information System ELVIRA II: a project outline
No. 10 Pretest for the project German Indexing and Retrieval Test Database
No.   9 Computer supported production of documentations on social science topics - COGET
No.   8 User research, structuring of information events and software development at the Social Science Information Centre
No.   7 Computer Supported Co-operative Work: State of the Art
No.   6 Information acquisition and processing in the midst of deregulation, commercialisation and world-wide networking ("Layer model")
No.   5 Relational databases in comparison: an interim report
No.   4 Design of a first prototype of the ZVEI Association Information System ELVIRA
No.   3 Visualisation and graphical user interfaces
No.   2 Possibilities for intelligent integration of heterogeneous datasets: the GESINE project
No.   1 The WOB Model

The working papers (ISSN 1431-6943) can be ordered from IZ as hard copies free of charge (order form - in German)

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Social Science Information Centre: Michael Kluck, Jürgen Krause, Matthias N.O. Müller in co-operation with the Working Group 'Elfikom'at the Darmstadt University of Technology: Rudi Schmiede, Helmut Wenzel, Stefan Winkler, Wolfgang Meier
Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Sozialwissenschaften: Projektskizze
Social Science Virtual Library: a project outline
IZ Working Paper No. 19, February 2000, 43 pages

The Social Science Virtual Library project aims at presenting an integrated view to distributed, heterogeneous data of social science literature. The main emphasis is on solving problems of access in content to such diverse document sets. The project is a co-operation with the Darmstadt University of Technology.

Gisbert Binder, Matthias Stahl, Lothar Faulborn
Vergleichsuntersuchung MESSENGER-FULCRUM: Projektbericht
Comparative investigation MESSENGER vs. FULCRUM: a project report
IZ Working Paper No. 18, April 2000, 70 pages

The user test compares the performance of FULCRUM, a retrieval instrument based on automatic indexing as opposed to IZ's controlled indexing, which yields relevancy-ranked search results, with MESSENGER's standard free text search. MESSENGER is a retrieval instrument which includes the keywords intellectually assigned by IZ. The results indicate that test persons working with FULCRUM preferred the Boolean exact match retrieval over the vector space model (best match procedure). For the recall the mixed version of intellectual and automatic indexing offered in MESSENGER turned out to be far superior compared to the quantitative-statistical approach.

Jürgen Krause, Peter Mutschke
Indexierung und Fulcrum-Evaluierung
Indexing and Fulcrum evaluation
IZ Working Paper No. 17, May 1999, 37 pages

Today's commercial text retrieval systems essentially rely on intellectually and/or automatically generated keywords, which can be searched via Boolean operators, including or excluding additional thesaurus relations. On the other hand, there are quantitative-statistical procedures offering relevance ranking of results that in recent years have increasingly caught on in the business world as well. This work report investigates the question of the most adequate concept for text analysis and indexing for an information system. On a broad level, it discusses the pros and cons of intellectual and automatic indexing in conjunction with both Boolean queries and quantitative-statistical search systems and, in addition, presents an evaluation of the information technology fundamentals for a modern information system.

Udo Riege, Siegfried Schomisch, Marcus Schommler
Informationstechnologische Unterstützung von Arbeitsabläufen in einer Bibliothek: Das Projekt SCHILDKRÖTE
Assistance for library work procedures through information technology: The project SCHILDKRÖTE
IZ Working Paper No. 16, May 1999, 51 pages

The Social Science Information Centre (IZ) processes approximately 350 journals - predominantly for input into the database SOLIS - as well as collections of loose-leaf editions. A large portion of the work capacity at the institute's library is dedicated to the management of these periodicals. Along with the gradual changes in work procedures at IZ, a computer-based solution was developed and brought to market. The work report depicts the development of an application software for the management of periodicals for small and medium-sized libraries. It particularly emphasizes the project conception, the software ergonomic design, and user participation as well as a detailed product description. The software program can be obtained through IZ under the product name SCHILDKRÖTE, available since December 1998.

Wolf-Dieter Mell
Kosten und Nutzen von Informationsdienstleistungen am Beispiel des IZ Sozialwissenschaften. Ansätze zu einer quantitativen Näherung.
Costs and benefits of information services - an example illustrated by the Social Science Information Centre (IZ). Approaches towards a quantitative estimate.
IZ Working Paper No. 15, April 1998, 43 pages

As a contribution to economic efficiency considerations regarding information services, the report presents a quantitative estimation quoting figures with respect to the usage of references produced by IZ versus the costs of their production, and comparing them. The most important outcome is: the benefits of IZ's databases are 30 times higher than the costs.
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Udo Riege
Elektronische Version des Thesaurus und der Klassifikation Sozialwissenschaften
Electronic versions of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences and the social science classification

IZ Working Paper No. 14, April 1998, 23 pages

The course of production in the construction of the SOLIS and FORIS databases requires a human, intellectual processing and recording of the documents including the assignment of keywords from the "Thesaurus for the Social Sciences" as well as classification numbers from the list of social science classifications. This relatively labor-consuming procedure is an essential quality trait constituting both databases. The paper describes the development of an application software depicting both thesaurus and classification in their entire structure and offering their export into other software programs. The electronic versions of both thesaurus and classification conveniently support all work procedures that are part of the contents-related data preparation. Due to the export function the software provides, it is a multi-purpose program. The paper's focus lies on questions of software-ergonomic design as well as on user participation that would help with the software development. In addition, results of a user test and a future outlook on possible further developments are presented.
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Matthias Stahl, Gisbert Binder, Detlev Cosler
(under consultation with Dr. Joachim Scharioth
TRI:M-Studie zur Kundenzufriedenheit (Mehrfachkunden) 1997
TRI:M-Study on customer satisfaction (regular customers) 1997

IZ Working Paper No. 13, April 1998, 37 pages (Appendix)

The paper presents methods and results of a survey on customer satisfaction among IZ's regular clients. The survey evolved out of a joint project, in which TRI:M, a system to tie customers developed by INFRATEST BURKE in Munich, was employed in IZ for the first time. The study produced a tremendously positive result for IZ: the TRI:M-Index, indicating general customer satisfaction, is with a value of 81 significantly higher than the average value of other TRI:M-studies. Those surveyed ascribe to IZ a high professional competence in terms of the services rendered in social science and information science or technology. Overall, IZ's products and services were rated qualitatively high.
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Juergen Krause, Thomas Mandl, Maximilian Stempfhuber
Text-Fakten-Integration in ELVIRA
Text-Facts-Integration in ELVIRA
IZ Working Paper No. 12, December 1997, 27 pages (out-of-print)

The report describes the text-facts-integration in ELVIRA from a user perspective and at the same time analyzes the emerging informational processes. Based on the ELVIRA II data volume and the information retrieval theory, a model is developed including three levels of text-facts-integration. At level 2 one can find the transformations with which for instance the user may obtain additional texts with his search for facts. For ELVIRA II these transformations are especially promising. They are described in detail and illustrated by concrete examples from the practical field.
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Juergen Krause, Thomas Mandl, Maximilian Stempfhuber
Das Verbandsinformationssystem ELVIRA II: Projektskizze
The Association Information System ELVIRA II: a project outline
IZ Working Paper No. 11, April 1997, 56 pages

The goal of project ELVIRA II is the development of an integrated market information system serving as a platform for several industrial associations. The member companies will obtain access to important market information via this platform. With small and medium-sized companies modern information technology for the purpose of getting information hasn't really caught on due to a variety of reasons. The German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers' Association (VDMA), the Association of the German Construction Industry (HVB) as well as the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) are planning to develop a market information system that would provide online access to current data of various kinds and would cover as many of the company needs as possible. The project deals predominantly with the text-facts-integration.
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Elisabeth Frisch, Michael Kluck
Pretest zum Projekt German Indexing and Retrieval Testdatabase (GIRT) unter Anwendung der Retrievalsysteme Messenger und freeWAISsf
Pretest for the project German Indexing and Retrieval Test Database (GIRT) applying the retrieval systems Messenger and freeWAISsf
IZ Working Paper No. 10, July 1997 (2nd edition October 1997), 66 pages (out-of-print)

The project GIRT is about an empirically based comparison of different approaches to automatic indexing and the support of information retrieval. For the pretest 13.000 documents from the SOLIS and FORIS databases were presented to experts. The test results produced by the different systems were compared with the pre-established optimal results.

The pretest, the results of which are presented here, established that the conventional retrieval system Messenger produced an 11 percent higher rate of search results, when external experts were involved, and even a 29 percent higher rate, when inhouse experts were involved, than freeWAISsf, a simple search engine with statistical ranking.

Udo Riege, Siegfried Schomisch, Marcus Schommler
COGET - Computergestützte Erstellung von Themendokumentationen
Computer supported production of documentations on social science topics - COGET

IZ Working Paper No. 9, December 1996, 58 pages (out-of-print)

IZ produces a number of publications in printed form based on the databases SOLIS and FORIS: among these are documentations on social science topics as well as the series "Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst - soFid (Social Science Specialized Information Service)". The production process of these database-based publications from searches of the relevant data collections through delivery to the publisher was, until now, relatively complex and required a costly co-ordination of the participating partners. This high cost led to consideration of means to make the process simpler and to provide greater support. In the working paper, the development of the software COGET is described, which supports the process of content organisation of the searched documents. Emphases here are questions of software ergonomic design as well as the user participation in the development of the software system. Furthermore the results of the user tests are presented. Finally there is a look forward to possible extensions of the work.

Gisbert Binder, Matthias Herfurth, Jürgen Krause, Jutta Marx, Matthias Stahl
Nutzerforschung, Gestaltung informationeller Abläufe und Softwareentwicklung am Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften
User research, structuring of information events and software development at the Social Science Information Centre
IZ Working Paper No. 8, December 1996, 29 pages (out-of-print)

This working paper outlines the conception of user and client orientation of IZ more concretely. It concerns an iterative process of hypothesis building, whose effectiveness is refined at every development level: the statutes, work programmes and statements of the advisory committees analytically establish a basic consensus on the desirability of certain services. These initial hypotheses are tested through empirical surveys and observations concerning their practicability and they are subsequently refined in detail. The new information technologies and the scientific advances extend them permanently to testing hypotheses. Only when all of these activities work together can an information service develop, which is suited to the requirements of users/clients.
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Monika Weingärtner
Computergestützte Gruppenarbeit: State of the Art
Computer Supported Co-operative Work: State of the Art

IZ Working Paper No. 7, September 1996, 131 pages

The report "Computer Supported Co-operative Work" offers an overview, oriented towards the support functions, of current systems and system developments in the area of Computer Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW). It sets out a central research question and shows perspectives for the use of CSCW systems in IZ and for GESIS.

Jürgen Krause
Informationserschließung und -bereitstellung zwischen Deregulation, Kommerzialisierung und weltweiter Vernetzung ("Schalenmodell")
Information acquisition and processing in the midst of deregulation, commercialisation and world-wide networking ("Layer model")
IZ Working Paper No. 6, September 1996, 24 pages

The current situation for information service centres is characterised by a fundamental change in the information technology. The centralised structures of the last 20 years in traditional information and documentation development have led to growing difficulty in data acquisition, in the co-ordination of co-operating partners, and for users. Considerations involved in the stages of conversion, which will lead to the layer model, must take not only the information technological but also the economic and social conditions into account. They build on the changes caused by deregulation. In the layer model, the task of the information service centre shifts from that of supplier of a single database to that of the co-ordinator of different, non-hierarchically bound groups, who co-ordinate and support by means of information technology.
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Peter Mutschke
Relationale Datenbanksysteme im Vergleich: Eine Zwischenbilanz
Relational databases in comparison: an interim report
IZ Working Paper No. 5, December 1995, 67 pages (out-of-print)

The choice of a particular database software is a decision of basic strategic importance. As well as the computer itself, the development tool which will form the technological base for the creation of an integrated total concept for the association of all relevant management data must also be carefully chosen. Against this background, in this study the most common current relational database systems for larger UNIX platforms are investigated and evaluated in relation to the information technology requirements of the Social Science Information Centre (IZ).
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Juergen Krause, Thomas Mandl und Max Stempfhuber
Design des ersten Prototypen des ZVEI-Verbandsinformationssystems ELVIRA
Design of a first prototype of the ZVEI Association Information System ELVIRA
IZ-Working Paper No. 4, April 1996, 31 pages

The paper represents the development of a design for ELVIRA, based on the requirements profile for an information system for the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) and on the WOB Model, a software ergonomic model for information systems (see IZ Working Paper No. 1). The user domains and their requirements are presented in summary form.

The paper is out-of-print, however, its essential contents are now part of a newer publication entitled "Market Analysis and Market Prognosis. The ZVEI Association Information System ELVIRA" (Volume 2 of the series "Research Reports").

Jürgen Krause
Visualisierung und graphische Benutzungsoberflächen
Visualisation and graphical user interfaces
IZ Working Paper No. 3, May 1996, 40 pages

This working paper contains a stocktaking of the creative methods behind a graphical user interface, starting with the simple elements such as keypads and scroll bars through to the mixing of modalities through animation or the spoken word. At the centre lies the discussion of competing approaches of "metaphor creation" vs. "visual formalisms". The author argues against a straightforward either/or solution and makes a plea for a combination of both concepts, if this is at all possible.
In the final section of the working paper, the visualisation possibilities employed in the WOB Model (see IZ Working Paper No. 1) are presented.
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Jutta Marx, Peter Mutschke, Marcus Schommler
Möglichkeiten der intelligenten Integration heterogener Datenbestände: das Projekt GESINE
Possibilities for intelligent integration of heterogeneous datasets: the GESINE project
IZ Working Paper No. 2, December 1995, 44 pages

Also in the social sciences, there is an increasing demand for the provision of complex and high-quality information referring to social science queries and knowledge processes. With conventional database searches, only a small part of the "enlarged" social science information requirement can be met. The aim of the GESINE project, whose conception is the subject of this working paper, is therefore the development of an inter-institutional object-oriented desktop environment in which the information holdings of all the institutes who are members of GESIS (Gesellschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Infrastruktureinrichtungen / German Social Science Infrastructure Services) can be made available to all staff members and users as corporate knowledge in a homogeneous and integrated form using a graphical user interface.
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Jürgen Krause
Das WOB-Modell / The WOB Model
IZ Working Paper No. 1, December 1995, 77 pages

The WOB-Model (auf der Werkzeugmetapher basierende strikt objektorientierte graphisch-direktmanipulative Benutzungsoberfläche) is a common software ergonomic basis for the development of graphical user interfaces, which tries, using a set of co-ordinated ergonomic techniques, to resolve the inherent contradictions in the creation process - like that between flexible dialog control and conversational prompting. The model was developed as part of a sponsored project at the University of Regensburg, evaluated empirically in an application using an "information system for engineering materials" and has already served many times as the basis for different commercial products; it is, however, applicable to many other domains, such as bibliographic databases.

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