Dynamics of Media Research |
Market Analysis and Market Prognosis |
Juergen Guedler
Dynamik der Medienforschung. Eine szientometrische Analyse
auf der Grundlage sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachdatenbanken
Dynamics of Media Research. A scientometric analysis based on specialized
social science databases
Bonn: Social Science Information Centre 1996
(Research reports; Volume 1), 136 pp., pbk.
ISSN 1431-5114
ISBN 3-8206-0117-1
Language: German
20,- DM
The study investigates thematic trends in the development of German-speaking media research based on more than 9.000 references to media research projects and publications from 1987 through 1994. Applying newly developed, network-analytical measuring procedures, the study develops - for the purposes of a prospective evaluation - thoughts on the future development potential of certain research fields. New types of visualization techniques facilitate the insight into complex structural developments. This research report presented in a highly readable style is addressed to professionals in the fields of media research and science studies.
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Marktanalyse und Marktprognose. Das
ZVEI-Verbandsinformationssystem ELVIRA
Market Analysis and Market Prognosis. The ZVEI Information System ELVIRA
Edited by Ulrich Scheinost, Hansjoerg Haas, Juergen Krause and Juerg Lindlbauer
Bonn: Social Science Information Centre 1998
(Research reports; Volume 2), 206 pp., pbk.
ISSN 1431-5114
ISBN 3-8206-0126-0
Language: German
25,- DM
The usage of external information for mangement in small to medium-sized enterprises is
far from satisfying. In order to improve this, it is not sufficient to put information
online and provide complex query interfaces that require cost-intensive end-user training.
The acceptance of an information system depends on data qualitiy and processing combined
with an user-friendly and task-oriented interface suitable for both the casual and the
advanced user. Detailed analysis of the domain and information needs of users together
with the application of the most recent results in human-computer interaction led to
ELVIRA, an electronic information retrieval and analysis system tailored to the needs of
industrial associations like the German Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers
Association (ZVEI), Frankfurt/Main.
ELVIRA is the result of a co-operation between the ZVEI, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Berlin, the ifo-Institute for Economic Research, Munich, and the Social Science Information Centre, Bonn, and is supposed to serve as a model for other trade associations and institutions with similar obligations or ambitions with regard to information.. The project ELVIRA was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics (grant number II C7-003060/10).
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� GESIS Monika Zimmer 1999-06-15