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Bibliography to German Sociology

Volume 1:     1978 - 1982, 834 pp., 98,- DM
Volume 2:     1983 - 1986, 902 pp., 98,- DM
Volume 3:     1987 - 1991, 937 pp., 128,- DM

Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1998
Language: German

Price for the set of three editions 1-3: 295,- DM*
(instead of 324,- DM) including shipping

*only valid if ordered through the Social Science Information Centre

The single volumes each contain about 14-15.000 references to sociological literature from all German-speaking areas published in either periodicals or by specialized publishing houses. A comprehensive index to authors and institutions as well as a multilevel index to subjects provide precise content information.

Chronologically, the volumes are continuing the series of volumes by the same name published in 1980, which have been long out-of-print and had covered the period from 1945 through 1977. The basis for this standard bibliography of German sociology is IZ's SOLIS database (Social Science Literature Information System)

Table of Contents:

Part I Foundations and Methods of the Social Sciences, General Sociology
1 General Concepts and Theories, General Sociology, Problems of Society in General and Their Analysis
2 Research Strategy, Research Design, Data Collection Procedure and Analysis
3 Social Indicators, Simulation Procedure, Application Development
4 History of Sociology / Social Sciences
5 Theory and Philosophy of Science


Part II Special Sociology 
6 Age, Family, Sexuality  17 Art and Culture 
7 Work, Industry and Company  18 Medicine, Public Health 
8 Vocation  19 Organization, Military 
9 Education and Knowledge  20 Politics 
10 Demography, Population  21 Fringe Groups, Social Minorities 
11 Development, Developing Countries   22 Regions, Urban and Rural Areas
12 Women's Studies  23 Religion 
13 Recreation and Sports  24 Technology and Traffic 
14 Youth  25 Economy 
15 Communication, Media, Language  26 Science 
16 Crime and Law 


Part III Social Psychology 
27 General Social Psychology, Group Behavior, Interaction 
28 Attitude and Prejudice 
29 Socialization 

 Sample pages:


Order form (in German)

� GESIS Monika Zimmer 1999-06-15