Series: Gesellschaft im Fokus der Sozialwissenschaften
/ Society in the Focus of Social Sciences (in German language)
- Moral und Skandal -
Versuchung der Macht / Morals and scandal - Temptation of power
PDF-file (incl. index to
authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 20,- DM (protective fee)
- Klima
& Konflikt - Die politische, �konomische und ethische
Dimension / Climate & conflict - the political,
economic and ethic dimension
(incl. index to authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 10,- DM (protective fee)
- Das
kranke Gesundheitswesen und seine Heilungschancen / The
ailing health care system and chances for its cure
(incl. index to authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 15,- DM (protective fee)
- Gewalt in
der Schule / Violence at school
(incl. index to authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 15,- DM (protective fee)
- Pulverfa�
Balkan - Der Kosovo-Krieg und seine Genese / Powder barrel
Balkans - the Kosovo war and its genesis
(incl. index to authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 15,- DM (protective fee)
- Osterweiterung
der Europ�ischen Union / Eastern enlargement of the
European Union
PDF-file (incl. index
to authors, subjects and institutions)
A printed version can be ordered:
for 20,- DM (protective fee)
Another volume was already published in autumn 1998 - exclusively in a printed
At irregular intervals, the FOKUS series presents overviews over
issues of public interest. They are based on selections from the social science
databases FORIS (research projects) and SOLIS (literature).
Continuous information on new publications and research projects concerning
28 different topics is provided by the social science
specialized information service (soFid) published twice a year in printed
version as well as on CD-ROM.

� GESIS Monika Zimmer, 2000-03-30