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GESIS Conference Calendar: National and International Conferences

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GESIS conferences at a glance
GESIS conference calendar:
Research in transformation processes New Federal States of Germany / Eastern Europe

The following overview includes information on social science and information science conventions, conferences and symposiums, etc. in Germany and abroad. Listed are only German or English language conferences.

Should you find any mistakes or notice that relevant conferences are not listed, please send the missing information to:

Dr. Helmut M. Artus
IZ Sozialwissenschaften
Lenn�str. 30; D-53113 Bonn

Ph.:: +49 (0) 228 22 81 - 149
Fax : +49 (0) 228 22 81 - 120
[email protected]


Updated 01.02.1999
Previous Update: 15.12.1998


04.02.-05.02.1999 NEU!
Konstanz (BRD)

"Politikdarstellung in der Gegenwart: �ffentliche Repr�sentation, mediale Inszenierung politischer Images und Konstruktion politischer Themen": Tagung der DGS-Sektion 'Politische Soziologie'

Deadline: 30. Nov. 1998 f�r Vortr�ge
Kontakt: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

05.02.-06.02.1999 NEU!
Bochum (BRD)

"Sozialpolitik im Sog der Globalisierung? Effekte, Probleme und Chancen auf der lokalen Ebene": Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion 'Sozialpolitik' und der Sektion 'Lokale Politikforschung' der DVPW

Deadline: 15.11.98
Kontakt: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

05.02.-07.02.1999 NEU!
Melbourne (Australien)

"Law, Literature and Commerce": 9th Annual Conference of the Law and Literature Association of Australia

Tagungsort: La Trobe University,Melbourne, Beechworth campus, Victoria, Australia
: Homepage - (28.01.99)


Dortmund (BRD)


Die Veranstaltung, die Fachmesse und Bibliothekssymposion umfassen sollte, findet "zun�chst" nicht statt. Es wird erwogen, sie "um voraussichtlich zwei Jahre zu verschieben."
Source: Briefliche Mitteilung vom 14.10.98 - (30.10.98)

Trier (BRD) (?)

Workshop "Au�enpolitikforschung" der Sektion Internationale Beziehungen der DVPW

Anmerkungen: Der Workshop soll ca. 30 Teilnehmer umfassen.
Hanns W. Maull
Universit�t Trier, FB 3
D-54286 Trier
Tel.: +49 (0)651/2 01 219
Fax: +49 (0)651/2 01 38 21
[email protected]
Source: PVS 39/Juni 1998, H. 2, S. 349 - (06.07.1998)

12.02.-13.02.1999 NEU!
Dartington, Totnes (Devon) (GB)

"Zemiology: Beyond Criminology?"

: Homepage - (28.01.99)

??? (USA)

Conference on Imperial and Post Colonial Historical Studies

Tagungsort: Michigan State University
I am trying to put together a panel for the Conference. My work focuses on the imposition of colonial rule in Nigeria from the establishment of the Crown Colony of Lagos to end of the first world war. If anyone has work that relates to any of these issues and is interested in this conference, please contact me:
Rob Hermann
Washington University
[email protected]
Source: E-mail 09.10.98

Berlin (BRD)

International Conference "Biographies and the Division of Europe"

The Institute of Social Sciences at the Technical University of Berlin in co-operation with the 'Sektion Biographieforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f�r Soziologie' (Section of Biographical Research in the German Sociological Association). - The conference will be held in English.
Roswitha Breckner
Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Institut f�r Paedagogik
Franckeplatz 1
D-06110 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 (0) 345 5523825 oder Tel.: +49 (0)30 7844349
Fax: +49 (0)30345 5527574, oder Fax: +49 (0)30 78704516
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

18.02.-19.02.1999 NEU!
Bonn (BRD)

International Conference "Governance after Maastricht"

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels
Universit�t K�ln, Seminar f�r Politische Wissenschaft
Gottfried-Keller-Stra�e 6
D-50931 K�ln
Tel.: +49 (0)221/470-4131
Source: DFG-Tagungskalender 1/99 - (28.01.99)

Bloomington, Indiana (USA)

"Cold War Culture: Film, Fact, and Fiction"

Anmerkungen: This interdisciplinary conference will focus on the cultural manifestations of the Cold War in Europe and America from 1945 through the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to the present. Subjects that will be discussed encompass literature, cinema, politics, art, propaganda, music, architecture, cultural studies, history, European integration, and US-European cultural interrelationships. Speakers will include historians, essayists, journalists, critics, and political analysts. Complementary features will be, among others, a film series.
Conference Registrar
Indiana University Conferences, P.O. Box 249
Bloomington, IN 47402-2049, USA
The Conference Manager
Tel.: +1 812.855.4661
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Siehe auch:

Seattle, Washington (USA)

"The NATO and the Political Fallout of the Cold War"

Third conference of the The Cold War Culture conference series
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

19.02.-20.02.1999 NEU!
Dortmund (BRD)

"Der Koerper als Forschungsproblem": Zweiter Workshop des Arbeitskreises 'Soziologie des Koerpers'

Es soll es nicht um die Frage gehen, inwieweit der Koerper ein von der Soziologie vernachlaessigtes Thema ist, sondern darum, wie sich die Dimension des Koerperlichen in sozialer Interaktion methodisch adaequat erfassen laesst. - Die Referate sollen keine Projektpraesentation im ueblichen Sinne sein. Nicht die Ergebnisse sollen im Vordergrund stehen, sondern die methodischen Aspekte, vor allem die methodischen Probleme. Die Organisation des Treffens als Workshop sollte woertlich genommen werden: in der Diskussion ein genaueres Verstaendnis der Problemstellung zu erarbeiten, deren Konturen zunaechst noch unscharf sind.
Deadline: Umgehend Titel und ein kurzes (halb- bis einseitiges) Expose an:
[email protected]
: E-mail - (27.01.99)

19.02.-21.02.1999 NEU!
Heidelberg (BRD)

Internationales Symposium "Religi�se Funktionen des Fernsehens? Medien-, kultur- und religionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven"

Prof. Dr. Michael Welker
Universit�t Heidelberg
Wissenschaftlich-Theologisches Seminar
Kisselgasse 1
D-69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0)6221/543356
Source: DFG-Tagungskalender - (28.01.99)

20.02.-21.02.1999 NEU!
Mannheim (BRD)

"Medizinische und gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen des Humangenomprojektes"

Tagungsort: Landesmuseum fuer Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim.
Die Medizinische Fakultaet und das Institut fuer Geschichte der Medizin der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg veranstalten ein internationales Symposium zu dem aktuellen und gesellschaftlich wichtigen Thema des Humangenomprojektes (Human Genome Project). Alle Interessierten, Laien wie Experten, sind eingeladen, gemeinsam ihre Fragen, Zweifel oder Wuensche bezueglich des Humangenomprojekts zu �u�ern und zu besprechen.
Martina Keilbart
Institut fuer Geschichte der Medizin
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: (+)49-(0)6221-548213
Fax: (+)49-(0)6221-545457
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

K�ln (BRD)

"Analysis of Time Dependent Data": 28th Spring Seminar at the Zentralarchiv

Deadline: 29. Jan. 1999 (registration)
Zentralarchiv f�r Empirische Sozialforschung
Universit�t zu K�ln
Bachemer Str. 40
D-50931 K�ln
Tel.: +49 (0)221/47 69 433
Tel.: +49 (0)221/47 03 155
Fax: +49 (0)221/47 69 444
[email protected]
Source: ZA-Information 42, S. 76 f. - (22.06.98)

24.02.-26.02.1999 ERG�NZT!
Eichst�tt (BRD)

"Der Sozialstaat - zwischen Markt und Hedonismus?"

Siegfried Lamnek
LS f. Soziologie II
Kath. Universit�t Eichst�tt
D-85071 Eichst�tt
[email protected]
Jens Luedtke
Lehrstuhl f�r Soziologie II
Katholische Universit�t Eichst�tt
D-85071 Eichst�tt
Tel.: +49 8421.93-1665
Fax: +49 8421.93-1790
Source: ZfS 27/H. 5, Okt. 1998, S. 397 - (09.11.98)

24.02.-27.02.1999 NEU!
Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)

20th annual meeting of The Film & History studies area, of the Southwest / Texas Popular Culture / American Culture Association

Tagungsort: Sheraton Old Town
Anmerkungen: Papers related to film and its impact on society are encouraged.

Deadline: December 12, 1998
Peter Rollins
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Bielefeld (BRD)

"'Postmoderne' Familienkindheit? Anfoerderungen, Risiken, Chancen"

Zentrum f�r Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, Universit�t Bielefeld
J�rgen Mansel
Universit�t Bielefeld, Fak. f. P�dagogik
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33615 Bielefeld
Tel.: +49 (0)521/106-3166
Fax: +49 (0)521/106 64 14
[email protected]
Source: ZfS 27/H. 5, Okt. 1998, S. 396 - (09.11.98)

24.02.-26.02.1999 ERG�NZT!
Eichst�tt (BRD)

"Der Sozialstaat - zwischen Markt und Hedonismus?"

Siegfried Lamnek
LS f. Soziologie II
Kath. Universit�t Eichst�tt
D-85071 Eichst�tt
[email protected]
Jens Luedtke
Lehrstuhl f�r Soziologie II
Katholische Universit�t Eichst�tt
D-85071 Eichst�tt
Tel.: +49 8421.93-1665
Fax: +49 8421.93-1790
Source: ZfS 27/H. 5, Okt. 1998, S. 397 - (09.11.98)

Dresden (BRD)

8. Dresdner Symposium f�r Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

Gabriele Buruck
Institut f�r Arbeits-, Organisations- und Sozialpsychologie
Tel.: +49 (0)351/4 63 37 84
Fax: +49 (0)351/4 63 35 89
[email protected]
Source: Psychol. Rundschau 49/H.3/1998, S. 183 - (17.08.98)

St. Petersburg (Ru�land)

"The Future of War": Ivan Bloch Commemorative Conference

organisiert von der Foundation for War Studies in Groningen, NL
Foundation for War Studies
Oosterhaven 11
NL-9723 AP Groningen
Tel.: +31 (50) 31 80 686
Fax: +31 (50) 31 87 125
[email protected]
Source: AFB-Info 2/98 - (10.12.98)

Berlin (BRD)

NGfP-Kongre�: "Das sogenannte Gef�hl. Authentizit�t - Verkl�rung - �konomie"

Isa Ottmers
TU Berlin, Institut f�r Sozialwissenschaften
Sekr. FR 3-8
Franklinstr. 28/29
D-10587 Berlin
Source: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik Nr. 86/87 (1998), S. 168 - (03.09.98)

Charleston, SC (USA)

29th Annual Meeting of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850

Call for papers: We welcome proposals for complete sessions and individual papers on all aspects of the period from 1750-1850. In addition to proposals on the French Revolution and Napoleonic eras, we are interested in submissions on the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Post-Napoleonic Europe and comparative and interdisciplinary history. We encourage proposals on Germany and Great Britain.
Deadline: September 15, 1998. - Mail proposals to:
Robert Crout
P.O. Box 118087
Charleston Southern University
Charleston, SC 29423, USA
Source: E-mail 23.07.98 - (17.08.98)

26.02.-28.02.1999. NEU!
Edmonton (Kanada)

"Options for Africa: Education, Development, Governance"

Tagungsort: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Anmerkungen: Conference organizers plan to publish selected papers.
Deadline: for proposal submission: January 15, 1999
Dr. Malinda S. Smith
State and Legal Studies
Athabasca University
Athabasca, Alberta T9S 3A3
[email protected]
Tel.: (403)-438-5708
Fax: (403)-675-6338
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Iserlohn (BRD)

26. Kolloquium der Arbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Friedens- und Konfliktforschung zur neuen Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands

Christiane Lammers
Arbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V.
LAG Friedenswissenschaft in NRW
FernUniversit�t Hagen
Im D�nningsbruch 9
D-58084 Hagen
Tel./Fax: +49 (0)2331/98 74 797
[email protected]
Source: AFB-Info 2/98 - (10.12.98)

W�rzburg (BRD)

"Wissensbasierte Systeme - Bilanz und Perspektiven" (XPS-99)

Anmerkungen: Die Tagung dokumentiert den Reifegrad von wissensbasierten Systemen. Deren Bilanz und Perspektiven pr�sentieren �bersichtsbeitr�ge. Workshops erg�nzen dazu aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse. In einer Industrieausstellung werden Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung wissensbasierter Systeme und interessante Anwendungen demonstriert.
Deadline: 30. Sept. 1998 (Einreichung von Fachbeitr�gen)
Petra Braun
Universit�t W�rzburg, LS f�r Informatik VI
Am Hubland
D-97074 W�rzburg
Tel.: +49 (0)931/70 561 12
[email protected]
Source: KI 2/98, S. 96-98 - (04.09.98)

04.03.-05.03.1999 NEU!
Dortmund (BRD)

"Umwelt- und sozialvertr�gliches Wirtschaften im vereinten Europa. Wirtschafts- und rechtspolitische Perspektiven": Gemeinsame Fr�hjahrstagung der DGS-Sektionen 'Rechtssoziologie' und 'Wirtschaftssoziologie'

Kontakt und Programm: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

Chicago (USA)

"Investigating and Combating Torture: Exploration of a New Human Rights Paradigm"

Anmerkungen: The conference will explore issues such the social construction of torture as a specific cultural and historical institution, the mechanisms of proving torture, turning legal proof into public knowledge and enforcement of sanctions against torturers. The conference will bring together human rights activists, legal and historical scholars, forensic practitioners and anthropologists. The goal for the conference is to produce new insights for litigation, activism and scholarship on torture. - Interested individuals should send a resume and a one-page statement about work in progress or a brief which pertains to one of the conference sessions.
Deadline: no later than December 31, 1998.
Michael Geyer
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

Bielefeld (BRD)

23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f�r Klassifikation: "Klassifikation und Informationsverarbeitung zur Jahrtausendwende"

Deadline: 15. Nov. 1998 f�r Vortrags-Kurzfassung (Schreibanweisung: Senden einer e-mail an [email protected] mit dem 'subject' format; oder via Homepage! s.u.)
R. Decker
LS f�r BWL und Marketing
Fak. F�r Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universit�t Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
Source: Zweite Ank�ndigung... - (18.08.98)

Gloggnitz (�sterreich)

"Cultural Standards in Business and Society in the European Union: Methods and methodology in intercultural research ":

Conference within the Euroconference Series supported by the European Commission within the framework of TMR ("Training and Mobility of Researchers") Program of the European Union.
Tagungsort: Hotel Burg Kranichberg, A-2640 Gloggnitz, Kranichberg 1, Austria
Deadline: January 18, 1999 at latest: Applications as discussants (informal letter, CV indicating nationality, age and gender) and applications as speakers (abstracts of about 500 words, scientific CV) to:
Sylvia Meierwewert
Forschungsinstitut fuer Europafragen (Research Institute for European Affairs), Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Althanstrasse 39-45
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 31336-5084
Fax: +43 1 31336-752
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

11.03.-12.03.1999 NEU!
Augsburg (BRD)

Workshop "Perspektiven der Diskursanalyse": DGS-Arbeitsgruppe 'Diskursanalyse'

Mit der Frage nach den zuk�nftigen Perspektiven zu theoretischen Konzepten, methodischen Ans�tzen und forschungspraktischen Umsetzungen ist es das prim�re Ziel, dem (auch interdisziplin�ren) 'Diskurs' �ber Diskursanalyse eine Plattform zu geben und damit den wissenschaftlichen Austausch zu bef�rdern.
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

New York NY (USA)

"GegenStand: Polemic Positions/Forms of Objection": Graduate Student Conference

Polemics have fallen out of fashion, neglected by political correctness and disinterested critique. What is to be gained by taking up the polemic today? We invite papers motivated by an urgency of intervention, papers that reflect on the art of heated debate and the venting of opposition.
Deadline: 5-8 p. papers by Jan. 1, 1999
GegenStand 319 Hamilton Hall
Mail Code 2812 Columbia University New York, NY 10032
Weitere Informationen:
Harmony [email protected]
Tel.: (212) 781-3080).
: Call for Papers, E-mail 03.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Dublin (Irland)

International Conference: "Cinema and the City"

Tagungsort: The Centre for Film Studies, University College Dublin
Anmerkungen: The conference will examine the history of representations of urban space in narrative cinema (broadly defined), the relationship between cinema and architecture, the modern and post-modern city, urban alienation, social conflict, and escapism. It will analyse the city in narrative cinema as a site of play, wonder and magic, social cohesion and productivity, focusing, for example, on the suburban family home as a zone of stability and harmony. It will also examine the city in narrative cinema as a space of ideological conflict between, for example, corporate, military and governmental power and radical social formations, subcultures and the underclass.
Deadline: Papers will be of 30 minutes duration each. Abstracts of 300 words should be addressed to the conference organisers at the following address, to arrive no later than 20 November 1998:
Mark Shiel and Tony Fitzmaurice
The Cinema and the City Conference, Centre for Film Studies
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
[email protected]
[email protected]
E-mail (Call for papers) 17.08.98 - (18.08.98)

15.03.-18.03.1999 NEU!
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler (BRD)

International Spring Symposium: "On Human Nature: Biological Approaches and Philosophical Reflections"

Tagungsort: European Academy Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH
Anmerkungen: In the last century the industrial revolution, followed by several cultural and societal upheavals, marked the beginning of fundamental changes of our understanding of ourselves as "human beings". Now, at the end of the millennium, it seems that the authority for supplying explanations of human nature has shifted from philosophy and humanities to the natural sciences. In the public mind, it is particularly biology and medicine that are assumed to supply an almost unlimited access to "objective facts" on human evolution, history, and existence. - Our Symposium aims investigate such claims. We want to discuss the newest approaches in biology and medicine, and reflect on their philosophical and ethical foundations and consequences, respectively.
Ms. Dagmar Uhl, M.A.
European Academy Ltd.
Postfach 1460
D-53458 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Tel.: +49 (0) 26 41/75 43 13
Fax: +49 (0) 26 41/75 43 20
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (28.01.99)

Chicago, IL (USA)

Annual Third World Conference: "Third World and Global Development: Reconstruction and Redefinition": An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Conference

Tagungsort: Swissotel Chicago, Illinois USA
The Conference will comprehensively examine the complexity of Third World and global development since the Bandung Conference in 1955 and explore the perspective of constructive change in preparation for the next millennium. Broad issues in economic, political, cultural, educational, gender, environmental, health, technological and many other social perspectives will be critically examined. The objective of the Conference is to pose original questions, pursue in-depth analyses, and formulate practical solutions to key issues confronting the contemporary global system, especially Third World and Diaspora societies.
Deadline: Three copies of abstract, 300 words or less, are required for peer review. Abstract Summary (50 words or less); bisher keine Deadline angegeben.

Edwin S. Segal
Department of Anthropology, University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers, E-mail 07.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Hannover (BRD)


Deutsche Messe AG
D-30521 Hannover
Tel.: +49 (0)511 890
Fax: +49 (0)511 893 26 26
BTX *3230080#
Hannover Fairs Information Centre,
25 Hurst Way
South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7AP, UK
Tel.: +44 (0)181 688 9541
Fax: +44 (0)181 681 0069

25.03.-26.03.1999 NEU!
Essen (BRD)

"Computermodellierung und soziologische Theorie": Fr�hjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion "Modellbildung und Simulation"

Deadline: Referate (mit halbseitigem Abstract) bis 15. Febr. 1999
Kontakt:s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

29.03.-30.03.1999 NEU!
York (GB)

"CYBERSPACE 1999: Crime, Criminal Justice and the Internet": Annual Conference of the British and Irish Legal Education Technology Association (BILETA)

: Homepage - (28.01.99)

29.03.-31.03.1999 NEU!
Southampton (GB)

Short Course "Multilevel Event History Analysis"

Tagungsort: University of Southampton; Centre for Applied Social Survey (CASS)
Supported by ESRC, presented by Ian Diamond and Fiona Steele
Anmerkungen: This course is offered under the ESRC's Analysis of Large and Complex Datasets programme.
Target Audience: The course is aimed at researchers who need to model event history data, especially those in the social, economic, educational and medical sciences. A good understanding of standard statistical methods of regression analysis and logistic models for binary responses will be assumed. Some familiarity with multilevel models and event history analysis would be useful, but is not essential. Some experience with SAS and MLwiN would be useful, but not essential.
Rebecca Bundock
Department of Social Statistics
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
Tel: (01703) 593048
Fax: (01703) 593846
[email protected]

Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

06.04.-08.04.1999 NEU!
Loughborough (GB)

Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 1999

Tagungsort: Loughborough University
Source: DGS-Homepage - (01.02.99)

Glasgow (GB)

The British Sociological Association Annual Conference

Anmerkungen: The momentous social changes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which originally gave rise to sociology, have continued to shape and cleave it into rival theoretical and empirical approaches. But does this diversity necessarily mean disarray? Ought we to recognise that in a 'postmodern world' there can only be sociologies? Should we be embracing diverse analyses of culture and discourse, and focusing on biographies, identities and subjectivities? Or should sociology pay more heed to its core classical strength: providing a radical and progressive analysis of the logic of global capitalism in charting the axes of class, status, gender and ethnicity? Is there a case for continuity or change in terms of sociology's core concerns, key concepts, theories and methodologies?
We welcome papers, with any theoretical or empirical focus, in any area of sociology, which address these issues.
Deadline: Abstracts of no more that 250 words should be sent to the address below by no later than 30 September 1998. You should include with your abstract your name, institutional affiliation, full postal address, 'phone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address.
1999 BSA Conference, British Sociological Association
Units 3F/G ? Mountjoy Research Centre ? Stockton Road ? Durham ? DH1 3UR [UK]
Tel: +44 (0)191 383 0839
Fax: +44 (0)191 383 0782 ?
[email protected]
Source: E-mail Call for papers 30.05.98 - (06.07.98)

Edinburgh (GB)

"Democratic renewal and citizen involvement": Biennual Conference of The International Association for Community Development

Anmerkungen: Up to 250 delegates are expected from all over the world. The IACD will also be electing a new executive committee.
IACD,Scottish Community education Council Rosbery House 9
Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh, EH 12 5EZ
Professor Gary Craig
School of Policy Studies, University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
Inglemire Avenue, Hull, HU6 7LU, UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1482 464026
Fax: +44 (0) 1482 440857
GCraig @
For further details and a booking form: [email protected]
Source: E-mail GCraig @, 10.08.98 - (12.08.98)

Cambridge (GB)

"Becoming Delinquent: European Youth 1650-1950": International conference

Anmerkungen: An international conference with speakers from Europe and North America analysing the question of delinquency across the continent between the 17th and 20th centuries. Themes include: Criminologies, Elites, Ethnographies, Gender, Imagery, Institutions,Panics, Prosecutions, Reform, Street Life, Violence, War.
Deadline: Registration not later than 9 March 1999.
Pam Cox
Department of History, University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO3 4SQ, UK
Tel +44 (0)1206 873333
Fax: +44 (0)1206 873757
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

09.04.-11.04.1999 NEU!
New York NY (USA)

1999 Socialist Scholars Conference: "Freedom, too, the long sought, we still seek, the freedom of life and limb, the freedom to work and think, the freedom to love and aspire." (W.E.B. DuBois)

Tagungsort: Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York, 199 Chambers Street, New York City
Anmerkungen: The conference asks what role freedom has in popular movements and those of the Left, in particular. Philosophers have considered freedom in abstract forms; social movements have shaped it through practice. Both have struggled over its meaning. Urbanization, the growth of knowledge, and technological change have laid the foundations for and given urgency to movements of justice, equality, and recognition preconditions for a flowering of freedom. Yet the unfolding of freedom has its dialectical opposite: financial instability, a resurgence of racism, nativism, and fundamentalist movements, a flight from solidarity to consumerism. - We encourage wide-ranging discussion and debate.
Deadline: for panel submissions: March 1, 1999. To submit a panel, please include a panel title, a list of panelists with only one affiliation per panelist, an address with email for each panelist, a sponsoring organization (if applicable) and a contact person with address, phone number, and email. The cost of a panel is $100.
+1 212 642-2826
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Notre Dame, IN (USA)

Conference on Christian Democracy

Anmerkungen: The Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the University of Notre Dame invites proposals for papers on the history and current significance of Christian Democratic parties for a conference.
Deadline: Proposals of one page (250 words) are due by September 30, 1998, and should be sent to:

Program Committee - Christian Democracy
Nanovic Institute for European Studies
G023 Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Tel.: 219-631-7330
Fax :219-631-8209
Source: Final Call for Papers, E-mail 07.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Basel (Schweiz)

KWID-Tagung 1999: "Informationsmanagement - Chancen ergreifen"

10. Internationale Fachkonferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft f�r Dokumentation (DGD) und der Schweizerischen Vereinigung f�r Dokumentation (SVD-ASD)
Ausf�hrliche Informationen:
s. Source, dort S. 325 f. und:
Source: nfd 49 (1998), Nr. 6, Sept. '98, S. 325; Homepage - (25.09.98)

Guildford (GB)

European Association for Studies of Science and Technology (EASST) Workshop: "The Structures and Dynamics of Research Policies in Europe"

Tagungsort: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers involved in the study of EU research policies and to discuss the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches underlying empirical studies. In addition, The workshop is intended to facilitate interaction between researchers and policymakers with the purpose of considering appropriate ways in which the knowledge being produced in this area of enquiry can be consolidated and fed into policy debates and structures, both within national and European settings.
Deadline: Abstracts of no more than 250 words and a brief curriculum vitae should be sent by January 4th 1999 to
Simon Dresner
Research Policies Workshop Coordinator
Department of Sociology, University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH
[email protected] .
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

19.04.-20.04.1999 NEU!
Florenz (Italien)

Conference on "European integration : research and documentation in the digital age"

Organizer: The Library of the European University Institute, Florence
Anmerkungen: The programme covers a variety of topics relating to European documentation, in particular the latest electronic developments and the use of European documentation in academic research.
Deadline: for applications 15th of March 1999
Emir Lawless and Machteld Nijsten
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Frankfurt/M. (BRD)

Bundeskongre� f�r Rehabilitation: "Rehabilitation im Wandel"

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Rehabilitation (BAR)
Walter-Kolb-Str. 9-11
D-60594 Frankfurt/M.
Tel.: +49 (0)69/6050180
Fax: +49 (0)69/60501829
[email protected]
Source: sozialmagazin 23/, H.11, Nov. 1998, S. 62 - (17.11.98)

Fort Worth, Texas (USA)

41st annual conference of the Western Social Science Association's (WSSA)

Anmerkungen: Rural Studies Section calls for panel and paper proposals on any aspect of rural and agricultural studies.
Deadline: Proposal deadline is November 1, 1998. Please submit abstracts (150-word maximum), a short vitae (include postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers), and audio-visual needs to:
Elaine Naylor
WSSA Rural Studies Coodinator, Department of History
York University, 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
Tel.: (416) 516-1991
Fax: (416) 736-5836
[email protected]
Source: E-mail 23.07.98 - (17.08.98)

22.04.-23.04.1999 NEU!
Bremen (BRD)

Workshop "Generationenaustausch im Betrieb": SFB 186 'Statuspassagen und Risikolagen im Lebensverlauf'

[email protected]
: Homepage - (27.01.99)

24.04.-26.04.1999 NEU!

Philadelphia, PA (USA)

"How Computing Technology will Transform Teaching, Learning, and Education": Annual Meeting of the American Association for History and Computing

University and college instructors, K-12 teachers, librarians, publishers, editors, archivists, students and all other history professionals are encouraged to participate. Many opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange will be provided, and panel and paper proposals on any topics relating to history in the electronic age are encouraged.
Deadline: 1 February 1999; Inquiries and submissions should be directed to:
G. Mick Smith, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 3009
Malvern, PA
Tel.: +1 19355-0709
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Sacramento (USA)

8th Annual Africa/ Diaspora Conference: "Conflict Resolution & Peace Education in/on Africa: Lessons & Opportunities"

Tagungsort: California State University, Sacramento
Suggested Topics: Peace education, conflict resolution, indigenous justice, alternative dispute resolution, peace-making & peace-building, peace networks, women & peace, early conflict warning & anlysis, preventive diplomacy, making/preventing war & terrorism, crime & violence, human rights/democracy and peacemaking, military vs. civil society relations, Africa Crisis Response Initiative(ACRI, environmenaal justice/conflict, & etc. -
Case studies and theory-building proposals are particularly welcome.
Deadline: Send all Paper/ Panel Proposals by December 1, 1998 to:
Ernest Uwazie
California State University, Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution
6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6085
Tel.: 916-278-6282/ Fax: 916-278-7692
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers, E-mail 09.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Atlanta (USA)

Symposion: "Human Rights: Changes and Challenges"

This is conceived as a broad-ranging and interdisciplinary symposium exploring the theory, definition, and contestation of human rights in past and present.
We are especially interested in emerging paradigms for rights discourses.
Deadline: Those interested should respond by December 15th.
Inquiries or one-page proposals and short c.v. should be directed to
Alice Bullard and Gregory Nobles
School of History, Technology, and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0345
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers - E-mail 09.10.98 - (13.10.98)

30.04.-02.05.1999 GE�NDERT!
Potsdam (BRD)

"Recent Trends and Methods of Social Stratification Research"

Spring 1999 Conference of the Methodology section of the German Sociological Society (DGS), in collaboration with the Berlin-Brandenburg network of longitudinal researchers (LWBB) and the ISA Research Committees on 'Logic and Methodology' (RC-33) and 'Social Stratification and Social Mobility' (RC-28)
Anmerkungen: A focal point is the postulated declining impact of social class, group memberships and social structural factors like e.g. gender, ethnicity, religion, region and socioeconomic background on sociological outcomes like school achievement, political behavior, status attainment and social mobility, social relationships and lifestyles. Another focal point of the conference is the process of social change assumed to produce the postulated declining impacts.
Deadline: 31. Dez. 1998; abstracts to:
Uwe Engel
Department of Sociology
University of Potsdam, PO Box 90 03 27
D-14439 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 (0) 331 9773419
Fax: +49 (0)331 9773216
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers und DGS-Homepage - (14.10.98(01.02.99)

Sydney (Australien)

'Millennium' World Conference in Critical Psychology

hosted by the Centre for Critical Psychology, UWS

Anmerkungen: This conference is open to all from whatever discipline who are concerned to develop tools with which to approach subjectivity and politics in a critical way for the year 2000 and beyond. The conference will have four themes: (1) New Politics, New Subjectivities; (2) Embodiment and Spirituality; (3) Psychology, Survival and Culture; (4) Rethinking Psychology: Disciplinary Power and Cange.
Deadline: 01. Okt. 1998
'Millennium' World Conference in Critical Psychology
Centre for Critical Psychology, University of Western Sydney
Nepean, Paramatta Campus, PO Box 10
Kingswood, NSW 2747, Australia
Tel.: +61 2 9685-9924
Fax: +61 2 9685-9931
[email protected]
Source: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik Nr. 86/87 (1998), S. 168-172 - (03.09.98)

07.05.-08.05.1999 NEU!
M�nchen (BRD)

Tagung der DGS-Arbeitsgruppe ' Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung'

Tagungsort:Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DJI), M�nchen
Themengebiete: Varianten qualitativer Textanalyse; Fragen der Archivierung und Weitergabe qualitativer Daten
Deadline: 15.02.1999 f�r Themenvorschl�ge und Abstracts
C. Hopf
Universit�t Hildesheim
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

07.05.-08.05.1999 NEU!
Frankfurt/M. (BRD)

"Arbeit, Besch�ftigung und Sozialintegration": Jahrestagung der DGS-Sektion 'Sozialpolitik'

Deadline: 15. Jan. 1999 f�r Vortr�ge
Kontakt: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

Belfast (Irland)

"The Development Process: Ireland in a Global Context": 26th Annual Conference of the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI)

The conference seeks to examine the connections between local and global processes of development and those between theory and practice.
Deadline: Abstracts should be around 150 words and should arrive no later than February 5th 1999. All abstracts should be sent to:
Patricia Lundy
Department of Sociology, University of Ulster, Magee College
Northland Road, Derry, N. Ireland, MA209
Tel: 01504 375298
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

St. Petersburg (Ru�land)

"Sharing Tools for Personal/Global Harmony": 7th Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution: A Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Conference open to all.

Anmerkungen: The Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution (ICR), held each spring in St. Petersburg, Russia, represents a collaboration between two institutes - one American, one Russian. It speaks to the immediate potential for both dramatic and violent decline in world relations, and at the same time profound movement toward peace, understanding, and harmony in the global community.
Submit proposals by: March 5, 1999. (Advance submission recommended)
Individuals from the region of the Former Soviet Union ONLY should contact HARMONY Institute directly to submit proposals and register at significant subsidized rate:
av. Gastello 9
St. Petersburg, 196066 Russia
Tel: 7-812-293-1330
Fax: 293-1330
[email protected]
[email protected]
for all others:
Steve Olweean Sandra Friedman, Conference co-coordinators
12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive
Climax, Michigan 49034 USA
Tel./Fax: +1 616-665-9393
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Preston (GB)

The International Harassment Network Annual Conference 1999

Vicki Merchant
15 Powis Road
Preston, Lancashire PR2 1AD, GB
Tel.: +44 (0)1772 728627
Fax: +44 (0)1772 761002
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

14.05.-15.05.1999 NEU!
Chemnitz (BRD)

"10 Jahre nach der Wende - Bilanz der gesellschaftlichen Transformation in den neuen Bundesl�ndern": Sektionstagung 'Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse'

Call for papers und Infos:
Source: DGS-Homepage - (01.02.99)

Brighton (GB)

"Landscapes of Memory: Oral History and the Environment": Oral History Society Annual Conference

with the Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex,
Offers of papers and other forms of presentation are invited for this interdisciplinary, international conference which will explore the relationships between memory and place and the contested meanings of diverse human and physical landscapes.
The proposed conference themes are as follows: Memory and Place; Protest ; Green Lifestyles; Heritage; Oral History and Development.
Presentations may be offered in any of the following formats: Conference paper, workshop activity, exhibition, poster display, multimedia presentation (other formats by negotiation). We intend to organise an exciting, participatory conference which will include the wide range of media in which memories of place are represented and explored. Conference activities will include local tours and regional exhibitions.
Deadline: 01. Nov. 1998: Prospective participants should send two copies of their proposal on a single A4 sheet including the following details: name, address, phone, fax and email numbers, title of presentation, format of presentation (see above), relevant conference theme/s, and a brief summary of the proposed presentation.
Proposals should be sent to
Steve Hussey
History Department, Essex University
Colchester, CO4 3SQ, England,
Steve Hussey ([email protected])
oder Joanna Bornat: [email protected]
oder Al Thomson: [email protected]
Source: E-mail: Call for papers: [email protected], 20.04.98 (12.05.98)

Toronto (Kanada)

"Building bridges, breaking barriers: the future of data in the global network"

1999 joint conference of the International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) and the Canadian Association of Public Data Users (CAPDU)
Anmerkungen: These meetings will begin with two days of workshops followed by three days of conference. The conference will focus on the partnerships needed to provide open access to data using network technology.
Deadline: 1998 December 31 for conference proposals (Please include a 250-500 word abstract plus a 2 sentence biographical summary.); 1999 April 23 registration deadline.
Proposals may be submitted electronically, forms are available at the Conference Web site:
Alternatively, FAX or mail this form before December 31, 1998 to:
Chuck Humphrey
1-01 Rutherford South, University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada
[email protected]
Fax: (403) 492-5083
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

Santa Barbara, CA (USA)

"New Frontiers in Cold War History": Fourth Annual Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War

Cold War History Group (COWHIG) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Conference to be held on the campus of UCSB.
Deadline: The deadline for paper proposals is december 15, 1998.
All proposals and inquiries about the conference should be sent by email to:
Richard Fogarty, conference coordinator
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Dubrovnik (Kroatien

Third International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 3): "Digital Libraries: Interdisciplinary Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities"

Tagungsort: Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Deadline: Types of contributions: Research papers of up to 12 pages (15 September 1998). Poster presentations: synthesis of work in progress (15 October 1998). Panels: proposals for panel sessions on general interest. Tutorials. proposals for half or full day tutorials. Workshops: proposals for a one day workshops. Demonstrations and exhibits.
Tefko Saracevic
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
Tel.: (732)932-8017
Fax: (732)932-6916
[email protected]
[email protected] or in the US
Source: E-mail (Call for papers) 20.07.98 - (18.08.98)

K�ln (BRD)

International conference on "Large Scale Data Analysis"

Zentralarchiv f�r Empirische Sozialforschung (ZA)
Anmerkungen: The objective of the conference is to bring together social scientists and statisticians who will have worked on the same sets of empirical data using different methodologies and different philosophies of data analysis. The database on which the conference is centred is from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), a voluntary grouping of study teams in over 20 countries. Each country undertakes to include common questions as a supplement to their regular national surveys. The topics change from year to year by agreement, and are replicated every five years or so. Some examples of topics are: the role of government, social inequality, family and changing sex roles, religion, and environment.
Deadline: 31. Jan. 1999 for abstracts: approx. Two pages in length, containing: title, author(s), affiliation(s), keywords and a summary, including the aim of the study, the variables used and the statistical methodology employed.
Deadline: Abstracts should be submitted to the organizers by 31 January 1999, and should be approximately two pages in length, containing the following information: (1) title, (2) author(s), (3) affiliation(s), (4) keywords and (5) a summary, including the aim of study, the surveys/countries/variables used and the statistical methodology employed.
J�rg Blasius
Zentralarchiv f�r Empirische Sozialforschung
Bachemer Str. 40
D-50931 K�ln

Fax: +49 221 4769444
[email protected]
Michael Greenacre
[email protected]
Verific. Date: 14.04.98 Source: Homepage (14.04.98/06.07.98)

27.05.-30.05.1999 NEU!
Chicago IL (USA)

1999 Meeting of the Law & Society Association
Source: DGS-Homepage - (01.02.99)

Phoenix (Arizona)

"Weaving a New Beginning: Liberation - Healing - Community": National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution

Sharon Bailey
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, Fairfax VA 22030, USA
Tel.: +1 (703) 993-2440
Fax: +1 (703) 993-3070
[email protected]
Source: AFB-Info 2/98 - (10.12.98)

M�nchen (BRD)

"Between Physics and Biology: Chemical Sciences in the Twentieth Century": Joint Conference of the Commission on the History of Modern Chemistry (CHMC) with the IUHPS/DHS Commission on the History of Modern Physics

Tagungsort: Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany
Anmerkungen: The conference will explore the emergence of new areas of chemical research in between the 'classical' disciplines, and will ask whether the traditional disciplinary boundaries are still appropriate for an understanding of contemporary scientific practice. This will be achieved by identifying the mechanisms by which disciplinary boundaries are transgressed and new areas of research created.
Deadline: Registration deadline: 15 April 1999.
Kontakt (inquiries and registration):
Christoph Meinel
LS Wissenschaftsgeschichte, University of Regenburg
D-93040 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 (0)941-9433661
Fax: +49 (0)941-9431985
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Juni 1999
Leicester (GB)

Workshop/Conference on "Theoretical Considerations on Gender and the South Asian Diaspora"

Tagungsort: University of Leicester, Sociology Dept
Anmerkungen: There is a severe lack of theoretical work on gender and the South Asian Diaspora. This conference is an attempt to generate some questions on the contemporary moment amongst South Asian women in academia. It is an open conference, so calls for papers will be circulated through mailing lists and notice boards.
Type of Workshop/Conference: small gathering of South Asian women with eight papers and a maximum of thirty participants.
Deadline: Abstracts: March 1999. Length of Abstracts: 100 words
Nirmal Puwar
Sociology Dept University of Leicester
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

01.06.-04.06.1999 NEU!
Havanna (Kuba)

"Latin America and Society: Challenges of the Third Millennium": International symposium on Latin America and Educational Program in Cuba

Anmerkungen: The conference will be preceded by an educational program developed by the Center for Development Studies (CDS) in cooperation with FLACSO Cuba. The CDS educational program will be from May 22 to May 31.
There will be paper presentations and roundtables on the following themes: globalization and economic integration, gender and development, state and society, popular participation, rural development, environmental policy, education, and science and technology. Although Spanish will be the primary language of the symposium, participants can make presentations in English.
Charles McKelvey
Center for Development Studies
210 Belmont Stakes, Clinton, South Carolina 29325
Tel.: +1 864-833-8385 or +1 864-833-1018
Fax: +1 864-833-8481
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

03.06.-05.06.1999 NEU!
Berlin (BRD)

"Kindheit und Bildung - Grenzen der Scholarisierung?": Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGS-Sektionen 'Bildung und Erziehung' und 'Soziologie der Kindheit'

Tagungsort: MPI f�r Bildungsforschung
Anmerkungen: Die Grenzen der Scholarisierung k�nnten sich zeigen, wo Kinder und Bildungsinstitutionen (schulische und vor- und au�erschulische) in Schwierigkeiten miteinander geraten. Welcher Art sind und wieweit reichen Zugriffe, Wirkungsweisen und Macht der Bildungsinstitutionen im leben von Kindern und Jugendlichen?
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

Tutzing (BRD)

"Germany and Intelligence Organizations: The Last 50 Years in review"/ "Deutschland und die Rolle der Nachrichtendienste: R�ckblick auf ein halbes Jahrhundert"

Anmerkungen: The conference profram will be structures around four broad issus: (1) The new beginnings of intelligence after World War II; (2) The significance of intelligence for the conduct of the Cold War; (3) The technical side of intelligence; (4) New sources and methods in intelligence history.
Papers should be delivered in English. Presentations of conference papers will be limited to 20 minutes each.
Reinhard R. Doerries
Universit�t Erlangen-N�rnberg
Findelgasse 7-9
D-90402 N�rnberg
Tel.: +49 (0)911/53 02 296
Fax: +49 (0)911/53 02 696
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (24.08.98)

Troms (Norwegen)

"Women's Worlds 1999": The 7th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women

Tel.: +47 77 64 58 99
Fax: +47 77 64 64 20
[email protected]
Verification date: 28.08.97 - Source: Homepage (28.08.97)

Bergen (Norwegen)

"Teaching Today the Knowledge of Tomorrow": 6th Annual EDINEB International Conference

The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway
Anmerkungen: The main focus of the sixth EDINEB conference will be on the distribution and selection of new knowledge. How can business educators deliver new knowledge to students and the business community more rapidly than before? How should we define the core business curriculum when new knowledge becomes old knowledge?
Deadline: Abstracts (500 word maximum) should contain author(s) name(s), title/position, institution, address, telephone, fax number, and email address. Abstracts will be published in the official program. No author's name may appear in more than two abstract submissions. Abstract submissions should be received on or before November 20, 1998.
Send abstracts (preferably by email) to:
Fax: ++31 43 3213137
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Baltimore. Maryland (USA)

5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment

Anmerkungen: The conference welcomes environmental practitioners, academics, students and all interested persons regardless of background. To facilitate communication, authors should make an effort to write their papers so as to be understood by audience outside their disciplines.
Deadline: Abstracts and Registration: February 15, 1999. (Final paper submissionMay 1, 1999.) Please, submit your abstract (of no more than 300 words) via e-mail to:
D. Kantarelis
Tel.: +1 508 767-7557
Fax : +1 508 767-7382
[email protected]
K.L. Hickey
Tel.: +1 508 767-7296
Fax: +1 508 767-7382
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

Conway, NH (USA)

25th New Hampshire Symposium: "From Unification to Unity? East Germany 10 Years after the Fall of the Wall"

Tagungsort: World Fellowship Center
Deadline: Papers may be given in either English or German. Their delivery time should not exceed 30 minutes. Detailed proposals (title plus 1-2 pages) must be submitted to appropriate seminar organizers - one copy to each organizer - by December 1, 1998. Completed papers are due April 15, 1999. Each paper must be accompanied by a short summary in the other conference language.
Margy Gerber
Taunusstr. 8
D-12161 Berlin
[email protected])
Source: Call for papers, E-mail 09.10.98 - (13.10.98)

24.06.-26.06.1999 NEU!
Strathclyde (GB)

"Sentencing and Society": International Conference

Tagungsort: University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Source: DGS-Homepage - (01.02.99)

25.06.-27.06.1999 NEU!
Chemnitz (BRD)

"Ethnozentrismus, Nationalismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Gewalt im Jugendalter": Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion 'Jugendsoziologie' mit dem 'Forum Friedenspsychologie'

Deadline: Abstract 1 Seite (ohne Terminangabe)
Kontakt: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

29.06.-30.06.1999 NEU!
Leeds (GB)

"Rethinking Citizenship: Critical Perspectives for the 21st Century"

Tagungsort: University of Leeds
Source: DGS-Homepage - (01.02.99)

Graz (�sterreich)

Joint Conference on Cultural Diversity and European Integration of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Norbert K. Tanzer
Institut f�r Psychologie, Universit�t Graz
Universit�tsplatz 2
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: 00 43 -3 16-3 80-51 31
Fax: 00 43 - 3 16-3 80-98 08
[email protected]
Source: Psychol. Rundschau 49/H.3/1998, S. 183 - (17.08.98)

Sp�tsommer 1999

Fourth Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA)

Sylvia Walby
School of Sociology and Social Policy
University of Leeds
GB-Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel./Fax: +44 113 233 4437
[email protected]
Source: Call for proposals: E-mail, 21.05.97 - (04.06.97)

02.07.-04.07.1999 NEU!
Gelnhausen bei Frankfurt/M. (BRD)

"Frauenforschung - Frauenbewegung - Frauenpolitik": Jahrestagung der DGS-Sektion Frauenforschung 1999

Tagung anl��lich des zwanzigj�hrigen Bestehens der Sektion. Es geht weniger um Tdaitionsbildung, sondern vor allem um Selbstreflexivit�t. (Umfangreiche Informationen auf Homepage.)
Deadline: 04.01.99
Kontakt: Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

Newcastle (GB)

"Exploring Cyber Society: Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Issues": International Conference

Call for papers.
What is Cyber Society? What are its social, political, economic and cultural dimensions? What are its theoretical and policy implications for the 21st century?
This interdisciplinary conference will assemble theorists and practitioners from the social sciences, the humanities and the arts, to explore the emergence of Cyber Society. Both the rhetoric and reality of Cyber Society will be addressed at a regional, national and international level. The conference will provide a forum for the critical evaluation of the impact of ICTs on individuals, communities, the state, economy, and culture.
Deadline: Abstracts (150 - 300 words): 31.1.99. Submission of full papers: 31.5.99. Booking: 31st May 1999.
Lorna Kennedy
Conference Secretary, School of Social, Political and Economic Sciences
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Room 143, Northumberland Building, Newcastle Upon Tyne. NE1 8ST. UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 227 4937
Fax: +44 (0)191 227 4515
[email protected]
Source: E-mail 09.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Newcastle (Australien)

"Land And Freedom" Conference: The 18th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society

The principal themes of the 1999 conference will be property and politics, family and inheritance, empire and identity, and the role of information technology in legal history.
Deadline: Abstracts of approximately 100 words, with a brief C.V., specifying audio-visual needs, etc., with a return email address, should be sent by 31 December 1998 to:
Nancy E. Wright, Land and Freedom Conference
Department of English, The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia
Fax: +61-2-49216933
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Tel Aviv (Israel)

34th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: "Multiple Modernities in an Era of Globalization"

Eliezer Ben-Rafael
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel.: +972 3 640 8824
Fax: +972 3 640 9215
[email protected]
Source: First Announcement and Call for Papers - (18.08.98)

Bolton (GB)

International Conference: "Critical Psychology & Action Research"

31. Dez. 1998 (abstract: 100 words per proposed paper and symposium outline, 200 words for workshops)
Judy Whiting
Faculty of Arts, Science and Education, Bolton Institute
Chadwick Street
Bolton BL2 1JW
Tel.: +44 (1204) 903351
Fax: +44 (1204) 903338
[email protected]
Source: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik Nr. 86/87 (1998), S. 172-174 - (03.09.98)

Manchester (GB)

The First International Conference on Critical Management Studies 1999: "The Management of Everyday Life"

Tagungsort: Hulme Hall, Manchester,
Anmerkungen: Management has become a daily activity for each and everyone of us. We manage our money, our time, our diets and even our relationships. Management has become part of our 'everyday lives'. This stream invites interested parties to explore the ways in which the specialist and often technicist discourse and practices associated with the formal activity of management have come to be incorporated into our everyday life routines and activities. Both the terms 'management' and 'everyday' are interpreted broadly and contributions are welcomed from a wide range of perspectives and subject areas.
Deadline: Please submit a 750 word abstract of your proposed paper as soon as possible and at the latest by 30 September 1998 marking it 'Management of Everyday Life' to:
Philip Hancock
Department of Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
City Campus, Cowcaddens Road
Glasgow G4 0BA
Tel: [+44] 0141 331 3492
Fax: [+44] 0141 331 3439
[email protected]
Source: E-Mail: Second Call for Papers, 17.04.98 - (20.04.98)

15.07.-17.07.1999 NEU!
Berlin (BRD)

The Wizards of OS: Operating Systems and Social Systems

Goals: The event aims to establishing a fundamental understanding of operating systems; what they are, where they come from and in which directions they are developing, how the various OSs differ from each other, what each of them make possible and what they make more difficult, and in what ways they are related to social, cultural, political and economic systems which use them.
Target Audience: Three groups will be coming together at the conference: an academic, computer science scene, a non-academic hacker scene and a cultural scene. Even the technical cultural groups within and outside of the university rarely have the opportunity to speak with each other.
Volker Grassmuck
Institut f�r Informatik in Bildung und Gesellschaft
Humboldt Universit�t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-313 2795
Tel.: + 49-30-2093 3180
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (27.01.99)

Glasgow (GB)

"Medical Professionals: Identities, Interests and Ideology": Society for the Social History of Medicine Annual Conference

'We have made Italy, now we have to make Italians'-Massimo d'Azeglio on the Risorgimento. Could it be said of the medical profession in the nineteenth century?- 'We have made the profession, now we have to make professionals'.
Deadline: Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent before 15 January 1999 to :
James Bradley
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine
5 University Gardens, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

London (GB)

1999 Social Policy Association Conference: "Social Insecurity and Social Policy"

Contributions are solicited on the following topics: violence and safety; welfare, risk and social capital;identity; stratification and difference; comparisons: geographical and historical; New Labour; technology; globalization. There will also be an open stream and an opportunity for poster presentations.
Deadline: Abstracts of around 150 words (a printed copy, together with a disk using Word 6 or below or WordPerfect 5.1/5.2. Regrettably Macintosh or abstracts via email cannot be accepted.) should be sent by March 19 1999 at the latest to:
The SPA Conference Secretariat
School of Sociology and Social Policy, Roehampton Institute London
80 Roehampton Lane
GB-London SW15 5SL
Tel.: +44(0)181 392 3604.
Source: First Call for papers, E-mail 28.09.98 - (14.10.98)

Manchester (GB)

Second International Conference "Beyond Boundaries : Sexual Diversity and Human Rights"

Tagungsort: Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
Anmerkungen: This conference seeks to bring together the studies, ideas and experiences of colleagues from a variety of social and cultural settings, who will develop and explore the connections between sexual diversity and human rights in a wide variety of contexts.
The organisers are particularly keen to encourage contributions from a variety of disciplines and cultural contexts which employ diverse critical and theoretical approaches. Contributions which provide a historical perspective upon these issues are especially welcome. Abstracts of around 200 words should be sent to:
Gail Hawkes
Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West Off Oxford Road
Manchester M15 6LL
Tel.: (+44) (0)161 247 3464
Fax: (+44) (0)161 247 6321
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers, E-mail 28.09.08 - (14.10.98)

29.07.-01.08.1999 NEU!
Stuttgart (BRD)

"Jugend, Sport und Drogen": Tagung der DGS-Sektion 'Jugendsoziologie'

Kontakt: s. Homepage
Source: Homepage - (27.01.99)

August 1999
Amsterdam (NL)

siehe jetzt 18.08.-21.08.1999, Amsterdam (NL)

Chicago (USA)

Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA)


(dort Link zur ASA-Homepage)
Verification date: 20.12.1996 - Source: Homepage

Bangkok (Thailand)

65th IFLA General Confernce: "On the Threshold of a new Century: Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World"

Mr. Sjoerd M. J. Koopman
Coordinator of Professional Activities, IFLA Headquarters
den Haag, Niederlande
Fax: +31-70-383-4827
[email protected]
Source: Homepage, 14.05.98 (14.05.98)

Amsterdam (Niederlande)

4th European Sociological Conference:"Will Europe Work?"

Deadline: Abstracts of 250 words - Deadline January 15, 1999 including an indication of which Thematic Group they would prefer. Suggestions are also welcome for other activities such as round-table luncheon sessions. Abstracts and expressions of interest should go to:
Conference Organiser - ESA Conference SISWO
Plantage Muidergracht 4
NL-1018 TV Amsterdam
Tel.: +31 - 20 - 5270646 (Jantine van Gogh)
Fax.: +31 - 20 - 6229430
[email protected]
Source: E-mail (Call for papers) 22.07.98 - (17.08.98)

Amsterdam (Niederlande)

"Mass Emergency Institutions and Services in European Countries"

= Session in the context of the ESA conference,"Will Europe Work" I plan to propose
The purpose of this session is to describe and analyze the forms of organization and services European countries have developed in order to meet various mass emergeny situations, such as natural, technological and complex disasters (e.g. earthquakes, floods, forest fires, industrial accidents, wars, terrorism, epidemics etc.).
Deadline: Abstract of not more than 250 words by December 31, 1998 to:
Nicholas Petropoulos
Emergency Research Center, Athens, Greece
Fax: 00301-222 0043
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Amsterdam (Niederlande)

"Research and development activities in Europe"

= Session in the context of the ESA conference,"Will Europe Work" I plan to propose
We are organizing two (90 minutes) sessions and invite you to participate and present papers: Deadline: Title and abstracts (350 words) of the proposed paper must be sent to the session organizers (preferably by email) until February 1, 1999.
Raymund Werle,
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Paulstr. 3
D-50676 K�ln
Tel.: +49 (0)221/2767224
Fax +49 (0)221/2767555
[email protected]
Marja H�yrinen-Alestalo
University of Helsinki, Department of Sociology
POBox 18
Unioninkatu 35
SF-00014 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. + 358-9-191 23964
Fax. + 358-9-191 23967
[email protected]
For general information on the conference:
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Amsterdam (Niederlande)

"Solidarity and equity: European values and attitudes towards welfare and social policy"

= Session in the context of the ESA conference,"Will Europe Work" I plan to propose
We are primarily interested in contributions that combine theoretical perspectives and empirical data, but welcome any other quality paper on the subject.
Deadline: Please send abstracts by 14 February the latest to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Amsterdam (Niederlande)

"Sociology of Childhood"

= Session in the context of the ESA conference,"Will Europe Work" I plan to propose
Two sessions in the field of the sociology of childhood will be organized. The general theme linking the two sessions is how everyday childhoods are structured for and by children in the modern world.
Deadline: The deadline for presenting a proposals January 15, 1999.
The paper proposals (title and abstract) should be sent to both organizers:
Leena Alanen
University of Jyv�skyl�, Department of Education
P.O.Box 35
SF-40 351 Jyv�skyl�
Fax +358 14 601661
[email protected]
Jo Moran-Ellis
Department of Sociology, University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 5XH, UK
Fax +44 1483 259551
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

M�nchen (BRD)

"Creating New Relationships": 8. Internationale Konferenz zum Thema Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (Human Computer Interaction=HCI)

Anmerkungen: Vier Hauptthemen: Ergonomie und gesundheitliche Aspekte der Arbeit mit Computern; Mensch-Computer-Schnittstellen; Organisatorische Aspekte der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik; Kommunikation und Interaktion in Informationsnetzwerken.
Deadline: Papers (Ext. Abstracts): Nov. 30, 1998. - Special Interest Groups: Sept. 30, 1998. - Demos/Posters: April 30, 1999
HCI International '99 - Conference Secretary
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstr. 12
D-70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711/970 2331
Fax: +49 (0)711/970 2300
[email protected]
Source: nfd 5/98, S. 268 (18.08.98)

Dublin (Irland)

Theme Session on "Human Potential and the Information Society" at the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) 39th European Congress

Anmerkungen: The overarching theme of the session is to explore the implications of the Information Society for employment, skills, learning and knowledge, within a regional development framework.
Deadline: Please submit an abstract to Prof Andrew Gillespie at CURDS before the 18th December.
Andrew Gillespie
Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies (CURDS), University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel.: +44 (0)191 222 7731
Fax: +44 (0)191 232 9259
[email protected]
Neil Pollock
same address
Tel.: +44 (0)191 222 5876

Fax: +44 (0)191 232 9259

Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

Budapest (Ungarn)

HUSITA 5: "Social Services in the Information Society: Closing the Gap": International Conference and Exhibition and Online NetConference:

Conference Tours Ltd.
Kossuth t�r 6-8
F-1055 Budapest
Tel./Fax: +36 1 153-0025
[email protected]
Source: Homepage - (18.08.98)

Herbst (September?) 1999
Mainz (BRD)

Verein f�r Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung 1999: "Die Erweiterung der EU"
Verification date: 15.07.97 - Source: Homepage (15.07.97)

London (GB)

"Researching Culture": An international, multi-disciplinary conference on traditions, approaches and methods for analysing culture

Tagungsort: University of North London
Anmerkungen: Today no single discipline 'owns' the study of culture. This is an expanding field of analysis across philosophy, anthropology, sociology, cultural and media studies, literary studies, film studies, gender studies, organisational studies, geography, history, political science, and economics. Each of these disciplines has contributed to the study of culture and in the process have produced diverse definitions and methods for its analysis. This conference aims to bring together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds to discuss the present and future directions of cultural analysis.
Deadline: Proposals of 300 words maximum: February 8th 1999 to:
Jayne Morgan, 'Researching Culture' Conference
School of Social Sciences, University of North London
Ladbroke House 62-66 Highbury Grove
London N5 2AD UK
Tel.: 01603 456239 or 0171 753 5033 ext. 5028
[email protected] or [email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)

Liverpool (GB)

"On Time: History, Science, Commemoration"

a British Society for the History of Science (BSHS), Royal Historical Society (RHS) and NMGM conference
Anmerkungen: Possible sessions include: Beginnings and Origin Stories - Commemoration - Maritime Time - Timetables and Technology - Workplaces and Time - Lifetimes and Servitude - Units of Time - Calendars - Time and Political Economies - Scientific Instruments and Time - Cultures of Time and Space - Religion and Time - Nostalgia - Rhythms and Cycles in the Natural Sciences - Evolution - Relativity - Anthropology and Time - Past-Futures - Ends of Time - Immortality
Will Ashworth (BSHS)
Department of Economic and Social History, The University of Liverpool
11 Abercromby Square, Liverpool, L69 3BX.
Source: E-mail 30.09.98 - (13.10.98)

Bristol (GB)

"Nationalism, Identity and Minority Rights": Sociological and Political Perspectives

Anmerkungen: There is currently a marked increase in the claims of a wide range of minority groups for greater representation and inclusion in modern nation-states, not least in western liberal democracies. Moreover, these claims have brought into question the very assumptions of individual autonomy, equality, national culture and citizenship, and universalism upon which modern nation-states have historically been based. This conference is concerned to examine the social and political legitimacy of such identity claims.
Deadline: The final deadline for paper abstracts is 31 March, 1999.
Offers of papers, accompanied by an abstract of 300-500 words, should be sent to the Conference Organisers (by mail or e-mail):
Stephen May, Tariq Modood, Judith Squires:
Nationalism, Identity and Minority Rights (NIMR) Conference
Sociology Department, University of Bristol
12 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UQ, UK
Fax: (0117) 9706022
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Bilbao (Spanien)

Fifth International Conference of the Regional Studies Association: "Regional Potentials in an Integrating Europe"

Tagungsort: University of the Basque Country, Bilbao
Anmerkungen: In the run-up to the Millennium, the aim of the Conference is to take a fresh look at the patterns, processes and policy issues in the regional studies field. The programme will seek to cover theoretical perspectives, conceptual issues, applied research and policy debate under the eight headings set out below.
Deadline: Authors are invited to indicate to which session they wish to see their papers allocated. Expressions of interest and abstracts should be sent by 30th October 1998 to:
Myriam Erro, Conference Officer, Regional Studies Association
15 Micawber Street, London, N1 7TB, UK
Tel.: +44 (0)171 490 1128
Fax: +44 (0)171 253 0095
[email protected]
Source: E-mail (Call for papers), 17.07.98 - (17.08.98)

Edinburgh (GB)

ASC '99: "Leading Survey and Statistical Computing into the New Millennium": Third International Conference on Survey and Statistical Computing

Tagungsort: University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK
Anmerkungen: The Scientific Programme will comprise both invited and contributed papers which will be included in the Proceedings and published prior to the Conference.
Deadline: 14th December 1998 deadline for receipt of proposals for contribution.Send a brief abstract (maximum 500 words), including title, relevant keywords and topic headings under which it would best fit, to the following address:
ASC, P.O. BOX 60
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1494 793033
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

Moskau (Ru�land)

"Africa at the Threshold of the New Millennium": 8th Conference of Africanists

Moscow, 28-30 September,1999.

Conference Organizing Committee
Institute for African Studies
30/1 Spiridonovka str.
Moscow, 103001, Russia
Tel: 7 (095) 290 6385, 290 2752
Fax: 7 (095) 202-07-86
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (14.12.98)

04.10.-05.10. 1999

Chicago, Illinois (USA)

GL'99: Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature: "New Frontiers in Grey Literature: The Geographic Approach"

Kellog Conference Center, Washington D.C.. USA
Dominic Farace
Koninginneweg 201
NL-1075 CR Amsterdam
Tel./Fax: +31-(0)20-671.1818
[email protected]
Source: GreyNet-Brosch�re: Conferences; E-mail - (25.11.97 - 10.12.98)

Berlin (BRD)

Colloquium: "The Military, War and the Gender Order in the Twentieth Century"

Tagungsort:Technische Universit�t (TU) Berlin
Anmerkungen: The following three thematic emphases are planned for the colloquium:
1. Images of Women - Images of Men; 2. Gender Relations and Gender Hierarchies; 3. Memories and Experiences;
Deadline: 1-2 page proposal on one of the three main themes together with a curriculum vitae, which should contain, among other things, a more detailed account of the research in progress (subject, institutional affiliation, supervisor if applicable) upon which the paper will be based, and a publications list. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 November 1998.
Karen Hagemann
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Women and Gender
Technical University of Berlin
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
Secretariat TEL 17-3
D-10587 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30-805 6217
Fax: +49 (0)30-805 6217
[email protected]
Source: Call for papers, E-mail 07.10.98 - (13.10.98)

Platteville (USA)

"Women, Peace, and Conflict"

15. Jahreskonferenz des Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies und 24 Jahreskonferenz des University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Consortium
Laura Wendorff
Humanities Dept., University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Platteville, WI, 53818
Tel.: +1 (608) 342-1927
[email protected]/
Source: AFB-Info 2/98 - (10.12.98)

28.10.-31.10.1999 NEU!
Aptos, CA (USA)

Women in Germany Conference

Anmerkungen: We invite you to submit proposals from a variety of disciplines (visual and fine arts, literature, history...) and would like to explore how Weimar--throughout the centuries--has been constructed as the icon of German culture. We are particularly interested in whether and how women have played a part in constructing or contesting Weimar.
Deadline: Please submit one-page abstracts (regular mail or e-mail) by March 1, 1999 to both:
Sandra Alfers
Dept. of Germanic Languages and Literatures
518 Herter Hall, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
[email protected]
Carol Anne Costabile-Heming
Assistant Professor of German
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Southwest Missouri State University
901 S. National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804
[email protected]
Source: E-mail, Call for papers - (01.02.99)

Fort Worth, Texas (USA)

Migration/Immigration Network: Social History Association Annual Convention

Anmerkungen: The network chairs prefer complete panel proposals and these tend to get priority in placement on the program, but we will try to assemble panels or find places in already existing panels for individual paper proposals. We are especially interested in interdisciplinary and comparative panels with topics covering different countries and time periods.
Deadline: 1 February 1999, but proposals which arrive early will have a better chance for inclusion under a new program policy.
Suzanne Sinke
Clemson University
Tel.: +1 864 656-4427
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.98)


Perth (Australien)

The 1999 African Studies Association of Australasia & the Pacific [AFSAAP] Annual Conference

Tagungsort: St George's College, University of Western Australia, Perth
Cherry Gertzel
School of Social Sciences and Asian Languages
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth, WA 6001
[email protected]
Tel: +61 08 9351 3817
Source: Call for paper, E-mail 08.10.98 - (13.10.98)


12.04.-15.04.2000 NEU!
Amsterdam (Niederlande)

Third European Social Science History Conference

The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The Conference welcomes papers and sessions on any topic and any historical period. It is organised in a large number of networks, for instance: Childhood - Criminal Justice - Culture - Economics - Education - Elites - Ethnicity - Family/Demography - Government and Politics - Health - Labour - Migration - Nations - Oral History - Political Movements - Quantitative Methods - Religion - Rural - Sexuality - Social inequality - Technology - Theory - Urban - Women/Gender and many others.
Deadline: for abstract30 April 1999
European Social Science History Conference 2000
c/o International Institute of Social History
Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel.: +31.20.6685866
Fax: +31.20.6654181
[email protected]
Source: E-Mail - (27.01.99)

Juni 2000
Moskau (Ru�land)

International Conference: "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations"

The Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in co-operation with The Institute of Cultural Anthropology (Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow)
Anmerkungen: The Conference objective is to discuss the processes of the politogenesis in their regional and temporary variation. This discussion, in its turn, could and should promote the advancement of the understanding of the general trends and mechanisms of sociocultural evolution, the interrelation and interaction of social, cultural and political dimensions in the society, and further development of general methodology for anthropology, >cultural studies, sociology, political science etc.
Deadline: For panel proposals: September 1, 1999, for paper proposals with abstracts (max. 300 words): December 1, 1999.
Igor V. Sledzevski
Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
30/1 Spiridonovka St.
Moscow 103001, Russia
Fax: + 7 (095) 202 0786
[email protected]
Source: E-mail - (15.12.95)

Tampere (Finnland)

Sixth World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies

Der Kongre� war in der vorigen Ausgabe des Tagungskalenders versehentlich auf 1997 datiert.
Anneli Virtanen
Annankatu 44
SF-100 Helsinki
Tel.: +358-0-2285-4434
Fax: +358-0-2285-4431
Source: IZ-Berlin:

August/September 2000
Oslo (Norwegen)

"Conflict and Cooperation in Sites of Cultural Co-Existence: Perspectives from Women's History":

Internationale Konferenz der International Federation f�r Research in Women's History (IFRWH)
Nancy A. Hewitt
Dept. of History
Box 90719
Duke Univerity
Durham NC 27708 USA
Fax: +1 (919) 681-7670
[email protected]
Source: AFB-Info 2/98 - (10.12.98)

(Washington, D.C.)

Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA)

(dort Link zur ASA-Homepage)
Verification date:
20.12.1996 - Source: Homepage

Jerusalem (Israel)

66th IFLA General Confernce: "Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future"

Mr. W. D. Roberts
Coordinator of Professional Activities, IFLA Headquarters
den Haag, Niederlande
Fax: +31-70-383-4827
[email protected]
Source: Homepage, 14.05.98 (14.05.98)

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