IZ has been working for many years on the build-up of the FORIS database together with SOWIS -
Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationsstelle, Universit�tsbibliothek der
Wirtschaftsuniversit�t Wien (Social Science Information Centre of the Library of the
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration). SOWIS carries out the survey
of research projects in Austria.
In Switzerland, the survey of social science research projects is carried out by SIDOS - Schweizerischer Informations- und
Daten-Archivdienst f�r die Sozialwissenschaften, Neuch�tel (Swiss Information and Data
Archive Service for the Social Sciences) who also make the information available to the
database FORIS.
To avoid duplicated work and for better coverage of individual research areas, special
co-operation agreements exist between IZ and a series of university and non-university
institutions in Germany to develop the two databases, FORIS and SOLIS.
In the area of research documentation many institutions have dispensed with carrying out
their own surveys and entrust IZ with the task. With others, IZ has negotiated
co-operation agreements which regulate the exchange of data.
The development of SOLIS is carried
out jointly with partner institutions, who document the literature arising from
specialised social science areas. In addition, there are data exchange arrangements with
information centres in neighbouring disciplines.
� GESIS Annemarie Nase 1999-06-11